Nice game! Let's invite them too!

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Their friendly match ended around 6:20PM, with class B team win over class A with 2 - 1.

"Nice game guys!" They went around giving their opponent a hi-5 which they gladly receives it.

They were talking with themselves while walking to the bleacher where Khao is waiting for them, they planned to eat outside after the game.

"I didn't know you could play football Win..." Mike asks as he put his arm around Win's shoulder.

"I used to play it in my primary school." Win reply short with smiles, Mike and Gun just nodded at that.

"Hey Bright! how about we invite them too? The more are the merrier right?" Mike asks Bright who is untying his football shoes at the end of the bench.

"Sure why not, if they are cool with it..." 

"So guys, we were having a small party at Bright's house tonight... I was wondering if you guys would join us too."

"Really!?" Aj eyes turned big filled with excitement.

"Yeah..." Mike assure him.

"Then we'll be there..." Pluem replied.

"Party start at 8..." Bright told them as he went near them. Throwing handsome glances to all of them.

"Win, Khao you guys in?" Pluem asks...

"Sure why not..." Khao replied... while Win was contemplating about his reply.

"Ummm, not sure... I'll ask my dad first..." he said...

"Ouh, someones still a baby..." Bright teases. Win smiles at him knowing he was teasing.

"Will be their baby no matter how old I am..." He reply sassily with a cute smile that making the group around laugh at his reply.


"Daddy~ papa I'm home...!" Win announced as he reached home

"Win! you're back? so how's your game?" New asks him, New's face was flushing red.

"Good, it's been long time since I've play balls, so how you and daddy doing?"

Turns out to be Tay was just pretending to forgot their anniversary, just to tease his partner. He gets a few beating from it but be reward with a hot session with New. Their love never burns out.

"Papa can I go to my friend's place tonight? we are having a party..."

"Sure, its fine..." New answer

"It's fine cause you want sometime alone with daddy right?"

"This child, don't embarrass papa like this..." New pinch Win cheek softly, then Tay come by...

"Win, you're home... how's the game?" Tay asked.

"Fun! it's been long since I played..." same answer.

He then proceed to ask permission from Tay, in which upon hearing it... Tay eyes become larger and filled with lust-excitement... Since it's Friday, both of his parent sure have free time tomorrow. Which is great.

"So what if I slept outside? would it still be fine?" Win was making sure that his parent are super fine with it.

"It's fine, sooner or later you are going to live on your own... besides I know all your friends." Tay reply. And true that, he have met with his three idiot friends over and over again.

"Just stay away from big trouble or papa and daddy can't help you with." New added which made Win smile happily.

As they watched Win went upstairs to his room... their eyes were filled with proud and love.

"I never regretted the day we took him in..." New suddenly chimed.

"Me too, it's our greatest decision and treasure. He grown up to be such a fine young man. I feel old now..." 

"You are old, you are 41 this month right?" New rubs salt in Tay's wound...

"Oh you're so gonna get it tonight, my untamed dragon will strangle you to death!" Tay joke as he chased New who quickly went to the living room.

Win sent a short messages to Pluem telling him he wants to go. Pluem reply back with a messages telling him to be ready before 8.

He looks at the time, it was 6:54PM, he still got a lot of time to get ready.


A loud car honking infront of his home, Pluem is here.

"Papa, Daddy... I'll be going now!" Win announce.

"Okay ! take care and have fun!" Tay replies.

"Will do..." Win leaves his house and enter the car not missing to smack Pluem head.

"Be ready before 8? now it's 8:30 you dog." Win tell Pluem off.

"Hey! don't blame me, blame this dog over here!" Pluem pointed at Aj who was sitting infront. Win and Khao sits at the back.

"What?! I overslept, the game was tiring so I was taking a nap." Aj defend himself.

"Okay but, how do we get there? We didn't ask for his address..." Khao ask.

"I know his house, been there few times to celebrate the football club success..." Pluem tell them. Among the four of them, Pluem is really close with Bright's groups because they play football together and was in football club together too. With Bright as it's club president.

"This will be my first time  going to someone else house aside from you guys." Win tell them

"We know, don't drink too much." Pluem told him...

"Drink?...ok...What!? there will be alcohol??" Win asked, surprised... they are still underage.

"What? you think Bright will throw a tea party or something like that? Man, that boy gets all the good stuff I'm pretty sure it'll not be a tea party Win." Pluem was being sarcastic.

"Then, this will be my first time drinking alcohol too then..." Win told them again...

"We know that chill, we'll be with you at the party..."

"Aren't his parent around?" Win asked...

"No, his parent are living in their main house which is 45 minute drive from here... Bright is living alone, since his place are nearer to the school." Pluem explain.

Well here goes my first experience drinking. Win thought.

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