Treacherous Fiends!!!

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Bright's PoV

How? How in the world did I ended up alone in a mall with him. I can't even reject him if he decided to hang out with me by seeing his wonderful yet oblivious eyes.

Flashback 5 minutes ago

I called Mike for the nth time. We promised to meet here in the at 11AM. And here I thought I was already late and running toward the meeting place. I arrived only to be greeted by nobody. I look at the time it was 11:15AM, 15 minutes late. I calmed myself and I called Mike again, much to my dismay, the call got disconnected. AGAIN. I tried calling Gun and Pluem, the result are the same. Then a text message from Mike popped up.

{Hate to tell you the news, WE AREN'T coming.} After reading the message my eyes almost popped out from the socket. I don't usually lose my cool, but this is a No No No. I spammed him asking why, but then again Mike left me on a read mode. It was so  frustrating, now it's gonna be me , Pluem, Khao, AJ and Win. Thinking of it just sent chill through my bones. My thought was cut off when someone nudge my shoulder... I look behind and it was Win. He smiled.

"Hey, when did you arrived?" Win asked me.

"Just now.. you? and where are your friends?" 

"I arrived 10 minutes ago, but my friends still not showing up..." Win told before his phone rang.

"Whaat? Really? Oh no, should I come too? Huh~ Okay. Hope she recovered well. Send my regards to her..." Win was talking to someone on the phone. A moment later he hangs up and look at me with his eyes that I still cannot read.

"So, uhmmm... my friends aren't coming." 

"HUH!?" I was dumbfounded, I feel like I got into a trap.

"Khao told me that his grandma dog is sick. They went to visit her. With Aj and Pluem tagging along with him. It was so sudden he said, that's why they couldn't make it." Win told me... I calmly asses the situation, right... poor Khaotung, to have her grandma's dog to be sick at this weekend. I hope she doing alrig- fuck this shit. I ain't buying that, but judging from Win's eye, HE TOTALLY BUYS IT. God! 

"So where is Mike and Gun?" he asked.

"They aren't coming too..." 

Flashback end

"Huh~? So what we're gonna do?"

"I guess I'm going home then..." 

"Oh... then see ya at school..." Huh, you aren't even trying to ask me anything and do anything about the ridiculous situation that we are in right now Win? How much oblivious you're gonna be?

"What about you?" I muttered, well surely he'll go back home too right?

"I guess I am going to see what movie is showing then..." what? is he planning on spending this time alone?

"You're going alone?" I asked.

"Yeah, since you're going home." I facepalm myself in my mind. This boy.

"Well I'd go with you if you ask." .

"Oh really..." He smiled brightly breaking off his 'image' turning into a cute bubbly bunny boy.

"Then lets go watch movie together~" 

"Sure... I got nothing to do at home too." I told him as we went to the cinema.

Upon reaching the place, Win scanned the big TV that listed the showing movies.

"What kind of movie do you prefer?" He asked.

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