We need to take a breather.

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They were on their way to the hospital. Tay and New was momentarily shocked when Win just calmly agreed with them to go to the hospital. They even told him they need to see a psychiatrist. In their entire journey, Win just keep quiet looking outside the car window toward the sky. Still calm as ever. But everybody knew within his calm face lies a stormy mind.

"Win just you know, we are not disappointed with you." Tay calmly told him. But he get no reply from Win, he was too preoccupied with the sky.

"I, I just want you to be just okay Win." New voice cracked as he can't hold his feelings any longer. Sensing the sadness in New voice, Win flinched as he darted his eyes toward his papa.

"Papa don't cry please, I'm fine..." Win said as he hold his papa's hand.

"I know... but are you happy?" New asked again.

"...." There are no word left from his mouth.

"Papa wants you to be happy Win. and we really didn't care about your score and placement in that final exam, we know you can do better... but right now, we should put that aside, you are our priority." New explained and Win just nodded in response...

As they arrived at the hospital, a man was already waiting for them...

"Off!" Tay waved

"Hurry~" Off yelled. as he give a brief hugs to his friend. They haven't meet in awhile.

"Gun is waiting in his room, we clear all his patient for this time just for you Tay..." Off explained.

"Thanks Off, we appreciate it." New answered.

"Look at you, you've grown bigger than the last time I saw you..." Off manage to say to Win as he ruffled the boy's hair.

"You too uncle, nice to meet you..." Win smiled softly at the tall korean looking guy.

They reached the floor where Off told them where Gun's room is located. Tay went to the counter to ask guidance from the nurses.

"Hello, can someone show me the way to Dr.Atthaphan room please. Thank you." Tay asked smiling showing his politeness to the nurses.

"Oh, of course, I guess you are the patient he was expecting for." The nurse said as he leave the counter ready to lead the family.

"Yes, thank you..." Tay said before signalling New and Win to follow him.

"It's here, wait a moment..." the nurse then knock the door, a small voice asking them to come in can be heard from inside.

"Thank you nurse..." Tay speak as the nurse was about to leave...

"Oh don't bother..."

As they entered the room, a small looking guy can be seen sitting before standing up to greet his old friends.

"New! Tay! it's good to see you. It's been such a long time..." Gun greeted them before looking at Win.

"Is that Win? my, my he's so big now..." the doctor exclaimed as he left a soft chuckle.

"Sorry for the short notice Gun, and thank you. We know we are taking your rest time with Off, but I hope you understand..." New smiled sadly looking at his friend, he felt like a bad friend since he couldn't return Gun's greeting with a more sincere smile and happiness.

"It's okay. I know and don't worry... so shall we start then?" Gun said without wasting any time.

"Sure, sure go ahead... should we stay inside here?" Tay asked.

"No, both of you need to leave. I need my private time with Win here..." Gun smiled as he pats on Tay shoulder assuring him that its going to be okay.

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