New place

695 54 4

Win's PoV

"Arrgh! I guess thats all..." I told them as they dropped the boxes on the floor.

"Your parent are sure worried about you. They packed enough things to fill up a whole house." Khao said.

"Thank goodness, if Daddy Tay didn't come and inspect the room. They won't be even a space for me to sleep on..." I groan remembering how papa New insisted that all the things he packed are necessary for me.

"I think I can unpack this myself guys, you can get a rest. I didn't even know your dorm and mine are far apart." 

"Well, we both entered last year... beside your dorm is what we called a dorm for rich kid. Since you are paying the rent." Aj told.

"Ah really? I didn't know that, because the arrangement were made by my parent." I answered

"Well it make sense, you are their only kid... well the rent are for the accessory that they provide... that TV, fridge, PC table, small sofa and not to mention the air cond." Khao explain.

"And a little more bigger than our room." Aj added.

"I see..."

"Let us help you unpack..." Khao said.

"Well, okay... Imma sit right here. Go go my slave..." I joked.

"Damn, now I feel like I don't wanna help. But since you are our cute pet dog we'll still help." Aj replied.

Seeing them helping me settle in this new place, makes me appreciate them once again. When I think about it, this is my first time being away from my parents in my whole life. Back in Canada, papa never leave my side not even once when I was still recovering. When I was a bit better, he allowed me to work at the Pet Cafe, because uncle Gun told us that it's better for my therapy. Which is true, the amount of cuteness I get from the animals there was so immense that I never felt unhappy each day, plus their worker are friendly.

Looking back in the past, when I get to know my condition was making my love one sad. I keep telling myself that, why do I need to feel like 'this' when there are tons of people that I love. I never really talk about it, but aside from my parent and friends, there are one things that help me cope with my condition at that time, is that each night I would surf the internet and read stories from different people who had the same condition like mine.

Some told story about their loved one passed away.

Some told story about how their business got scammed. 

Some told story about how they got cheated by their partner.

Some told story about how their own family torture them.

Some told story about mine.

These similarities that I got from reading their confession has made my heart feel a bit lighter.  And soon, it was my turn to tell story. of course all of us were in a pose of anon.

Thinking about him, still makes my heart stings. I know what I had from him right then was a big one sided feelings. But I was naïve, letting him do what he like over and over again. That what was making me fall deeper and harder. For some reason, each new feelings and experiences I face would be magnified few times more. I am guessing that's why, I got hurt so much.

"Win, I think we are done all that's left is to fill up your fridge with foods and stuff..." Khao voice brought me back to the present.

"Okay, thanks... really." 

"We'll come back here later, we are going to the nearest mall and grocery store. In the mean time, go get yourself some rest." Aj told me, as they both was already at the door ready to leave.

"Okay. see you guys later..."

Peacefully resting my muscle on my bed after a quick bath is one of the most relaxing thing ever. Come to think of it, there are only few entrance door. Must've been because the size of each room is a bit bigger than your average dorm.

Anyway I'll take a short nap first.


The loud ringing from my phone woke me up.

[What?] I answered it lazily.

[Come down, we are waiting you here...]


[Yes you dummy.]

[Gimme few minutes...] I pleaded.

[Five minutes...]


I stand up and went to freshen up my face first. Wearing some casual shirt as I wasn't wearing one and took my wallet and phone. Just as I was at my door know, I heard people voices. Talking as they went passed my door. But what trigger me the most is that, his voice.

"So tomorrow I shall see the problem myself... I'll handle the things at the club, so you should return back to your room." The sound of voice that I still remember.

"Really you won't need a company for today..." I hear a hint of slutry in her voice. They were still talking as I open my door quietly and to take a peek at them...

And there he is, standing infront the door... confronting the woman infront him. As I was observing him quietly, showing only half portion of my head from the door trying so hard to contain the immense pain in my chest as I can feel it swelling towards an explosion, a trail of sweat runs through my face before my phone start to rings again. As his face tries to turn into my direction because of the ringing. I quickly shut off my door. Holding my pained heart.

The ringing of the phone continues before I answer it up again.

[Your 5 minutes is up.] Aj voice was heard teasing...

[I- I think, I'll pass for today. We can go tomorrow... I..I am not feeling so well.]

[What's wrong Win? are you okay? should we come?] Aj sounded concerned before I heard Khao speaking to him worried.

[No, nothing just too tired I guess... You guys can come and pick me up in dinner...] I assure them. Before I can hear any replies I hang up and went to throw my body on the bed.

"Two years, I still can't get it. Well atleast I didn't need to take my medication for panic attack." I mumbled to myself as I began to caress my chest. I felt so tired after that , and I began to slowly fall asleep again...

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