Time and timing mends.

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Weeks past by without much happening since. And little did Win know it has already been a month.

He pretty much get accustomed pretty fast with Namtan helps. He still remember about a week ago, Khao and Aj make a huge fuss when Win still decide that he will join the club that he likes the most.

Handling animal.


"Oh my god! Win, are you really doing this?" Khao whined, worried for him.

"Yes Khao."

"Don't you remember what happen last time? You fainted just by seeing him close up." Aj voiced out his concern. They were hanging out in Khao's room.

"Th-that's because I didn't know he would be there. Beside know that I knew about it, I can prepare myself. I don't want to remain weak forever you guys know it right?"

"We are well aware of that, but... sigh~"  Khao couldn't believe himself that he was agreeing with Win.

"Then what's the big deal...?" 

"Fine, but the moment troubles come for you. I won't hesitate to drag you our from there. And if you won't comply... I'm going to tell uncle Tay... understand?"

"Loud and clear boss!" Win mimic a soldier saluting his officer.

"You can count on me too Khao." Aj quipped in.

Flashback End

Mike couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the person himself for the first time. And now, he was still surprised seeing him in this club, a club that was owned by Bright. He watched as the boy organized the files that needed to be submitted to the dean for their proposal. It was for their activity on this weekend.

Mike remembered asking Bright his progress in mending his relationship with Win. But everytime he asked, Bright would only give him his weak smile to assure Mike that everything is doing well.

Doing well my ass, it's been a month and I haven't see any progress at all. Mike thought as he went toward the boy.

"Hey." Mike greeted Win which made him flustered.

"Mike!" Win greeted him back, surprisingly happy and delighted.

"How are you? Why haven't I been seeing you until now? Are you a member of this club too?" Win asked, a little bit too much one might say.

"Wow Win, relax. I'll answer your question one by one." Mike tapped on his shoulder, smiling and relieved that Win didn't get any hard feeling for him too, considering Mike is one of Bright's closest friend.

"So how long since you joined? The club I mean..." Mike asked.

"Hey~ I asked you first."

"My bad, you give me too many questions at the same time let me organize the answer for each."

"Okay, or else I won't be answering yours..." Win replied smiling.

"1st, yes I'm fine, 2nd, I was busy? Maybe? and lastly no, I am not, but I occasionally join their activities." Mike answered. Win squinted his eyes, judging him.

"Still the bestfriend you are~" Win said softly.

"Yeah, and he's been making me busier everyday, especially at night." Mike answered nonchalantly.

"Oh, really... I wonder why." Win replied, voice calm while arranging the files. He almost done with it.

Well its because of you Mike thought.

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