Heyy, are you by the way avoiding me?

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Win's PoV

Weeks pass by, and this is the nth time my friends were pestering me with questions like 

'Hey did you and Bright had a fight?'

'Win what's wrong with Bright and you?'

"Clearly there is something wrong with both of you, you know something bout it?'

And before I even answered them, they answered their own questions like

'Ah, You prolly didn't know it. Forget it.'

'Nope don't answer that, I bet you're gonna say I don't know .save your breath.'

'My mistakes, when I think about it. It's impossible for you to know it.'

When I heard them talk about that, for once I didn't notice it. The second time. I pondered a bit. Because for what I know, Bright still treat me the same. Or was it? was it not? And as the third time come by, I began to recollect my memories about Bright, how he used to act and speak to me. Then it hit me like a rock fell out of nowhere. Did I do something wrong? Because when I think about it. It's true.

Usually when Bright passes by me, he'd always greet me with smiles and start few empty talks (Win called Bright flirting empty talk, guys talk about disappointment.). But right now, if I didn't take heed to my surrounding, I wouldn't even know that I pass him by. When I caught him as we stumble our ways in the hallway. He just glances at me as he smiled a little. This is the first thing I noticed. Should I be proud to myself, since I finally have some awareness about my surrounding?

The second one is, he used to chat me or DM me all the time. And this time, for the past weeks. I got none. I know this when I went through my DM, and the last chat he sent me was about 3 weeks ago. Now I feel some tightening feeling on my chest. Am I getting sick? I thought for a while before I skimmed through my DM.

The third one is, when our groups finally gets to hang out together. He talks less. Not that I noticed it before, but I began to aware of it when I realized everytime our groups hangs out together, Bright talks alot... By a lot, I mean he talked to me willingly and smiling. But now he'd be just like a stone, sometimes he'd smiles seeing our friends antic. But otherwise, he'd be quiet and plays with his phone.

And the last one is, when I open his IG (more like stalking). There was not picture of me anymore. The one that he posted when we grab a food the expensive restaurant. The deletion of my photo alone, makes me feel sad. For God know what reason.

So that is why, right now... I am waiting for him at the parking lot. I need to confront him about this issue because it's killing me. Friends should talk to each other if they have a disagreement, that is how my relationship with my friends stays.

I was waiting for half an hour, because Bright had a football practice. It's was getting dark, and the mosquitoes are annoying me. Then I saw a silhouette that I know so much. Tall, lean and handsome dark figure. He went to the car that I know who owns it. As I saw he opened the bonnet to put his football shoes in, I quickly run towards him and hugs him from the behind. Now you can't run! I always do this to my three dogs I mumbled in my mind.

"Gothca!" I yelled

"OH MY GOD! WIN!" Bright yelled as he immediately turns around. His body was wet with sweat, but I didn't mind it.

"You can't run!" I said making eye contact with him.

"Win~ let go, I'm dirty and stinky."

"Not until you promised me you wont run!"

"What? when did you see me running from you?" When he said that, I don't have anything to say. Because he never runs when he sees me, it's just that the way he acts changed. And to think that I interpret that as running, I must be out of my mind. (chill its the same, Bright is running away Win).

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