I'm waiting for you

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Bright's PoV

Monday come by rather swiftly, the talked we shared last Friday makes me realized that my feeling for Win, it's just a short burst of new found happiness. It'll go away in time. 



I've been dreaming about him ever since. I try to limit my interaction with him, it was easy. Because Win made it easy, I realised that it was always me. The perfect Bright Vachirawit who makes the effort to talk to him and make time for him. So after that dinner at his house, I concluded that this jittery and glittering feelings that I have from him must stop. Don't get me wrong, its not that I am homophobic or anything. It's just that I can't imagine myself being with a boy. I have a face to keep and family name to held high. Just the mention 'Chivaare' literally not a single soul who hasn't heard of that family name before, not until Win.

But then, here I am. With Mike and Gun at the table waiting for our usual group of friends. I don't know how did our group mingled with each other, I guessed it's because of Win. As I see they usual face I can't help but to frown when they reached our table.

"Where's Win?" I asked. Immediately all of their heads turned like it was something amazing.

"WOW, finally after all these long weeks. You called his name." Mike burst the bubble.


"Well, didn't you noticed. You haven't said Win's name in these past weeks." Pluem added.

"And to answer your question... Win is sick." Aj dropped the news.

"What?" I asked again with uncertainity.

"Win is sick." Khao repeat.

"Have you guys paid him a visit yet?" Mike saved the trouble asking for me.


"What! I thought you guys were best friends!" I might have raised my voice a little bit higher.

"Wow, chill man... it's not that we don't want to pay him a visit. But his parent forbid us to visit Win." Pluem explains.

"Well, have you guys tried coming to his house without telling his parents?" Bright asked again.

"You think we didn't try? do you know why we don't even bother to try again?" Aj speak up,

"No, and do tell me about it. I hope its better be a good reason..." I wasn't believing them.

"We got yelled!" Khao said as his face dropped few degrees, pouting.

"You guys always got yelled at right... so whats stopping you guys this time?" Gun asked.

"It was... it was papa New who yelled us." Aj explains while looking at them bitterly.

"And uncle Tay said, just give him some time to recover then they'll let us pay a visit..." Pluem added.

"No way... that sweet looking guy actually yelled at you guys..." Mike was shocked, he remembered how sweet New was to them.

"Now you guys know why we don't even bother to visit him right?" Khao look at me, as he wanted me to know that they've tried. But failed.

"Well, have you guys tried calling ?" 

"Done that, failed." Aj said as he went to get his food.

The table turned quiet as the atmosphere around us turns gloomy. Even though Win is socially slow all the time, but when they teased him. His reaction will brighten up the mood. Just his smile alone can make us feel happy and warm. His good nature is what made us really like him.

I couldn't focus my mind while in class, I got worried. And my calls and messages aren't being picked up or replied yet... I hope you're fine Win.

The next day, I hoped to see the bunny boy only to be destroyed with the same news. 

Wednesday. I feel like dying out of curiosity. I tried calling his dad Tay since I got his call log in my phone only to have him told me not to worry and just wait patiently.

Thursday come by. It was the same as Monday. I let out a long sigh as I continued the day, without letting my mind rests for a minute thinking about the boy.

Coming to school on the last day of weekdays, I already felt gloomy. I wasn't expecting any news from the boy yet. I walk slowly as I went to my locker. I put my stuff in and take out the things that I need. I do it all lazily.

"Hey, you look like a zombie..." A voice that makes my head perks up. A warm feeling that raises from my stomach to my face engulf me as I make an eye contact with the owner of the voice.

"WIN!" I call his name out loud and immediately hugs him.

"Bright.. you're holding me too t-tight!" I released him from my tight hug as I take a look closely at his face. Wait is he blushing right now?

"Win... I heard you got sick... are fine now?" I ask concernly

"Y-yes, just recovered last night... if you ask." He said as his eyes went down to the floor. Am I imagining things? He never shown this type of reaction before, not until last Friday.

"Then why didn't you call me or texted me back?"

"I-idiot, it was late at night already. I don't want to disturb you sleeping..."

"Damn, you've made us worried~ my cheeky bunny boy!" I said smiling as I pinch his red cheek.

"Who-whose your bunny boy!" Win yelled as he stormed out of my face toward his classroom. Wait? What? What the actual fuck is going on?

Win... is giving me...

A reaction...



a/n : its my first time writing like this, I dunno if it manages to catches your interest... haha 


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