Special Part! Drunk Dance!

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Bright was just watching Win from afar, the boy said it was his first time drinking. But he bet it wasn't his first time dancing. Win was beyond controllable right now, his three friends were following him around constantly reminding him to get a grip as they want to bring him home. And yet, after few unsuccessful attempt. The four of them were dancing like a mad men. A smile of amusement formed on Bright's lips.

What a funny bunch of groups... Bright thought as he drinks his beer. But unknowingly to himself, his eyes were always secretly following Win. He didn't realized this, heck he wont acknowledge it if someone point it out. 

Win sure is famous by now, many people were dancing and toasting with him. Taking a picture together and constantly exchanging medsocial id. There were few boys and girls who tries to take advantage of drunken Win. But his three friends even if there were drunk, they still manage to prevent it from happening. Talk about loyalty and bestfriends forever. And sometimes Mike would help too, he even stop and drag Luke away when he saw that boy tried to kiss Win's cheek. Well obviously Luke was dead drunk like win.

As Win friends one by one knocked out, and finally it was Win turns. As he saw the long couch that he sat before. He went there and lay his whole body. Shutting down like a computer being put to rest mode. Sleeping with a dumb smile plastered on his face. Bright shakes his head, again watching from far away. Seeing no one else is protecting Win, things was getting quite obvious. Like a prey eyeing for their victims, there were boys and girls eyeing on Win who was sleeping cutely on the couch.

Bright didn't want to make it obvious so he went on and grab the mic.

"Ah! Ah! Test! Okay guys, it's past 12 already... I hate to be a bummer but party is over! I don't want police coming over due to noise complaint. Sorry!" He said. Mike looks at him, as Bright called him closer.

"Hey~ whatsup~" Mike ask. Bright just gesture him to look at his direction. It was Win sleeping on the couch, with some people around trying to do something.

"Ahh~ the bunny boy, I better go there before Pluem kick my ass if he knows." Mike immediately went there and hugging Win. Making the people around surprised and even Bright himself were taken aback. Then people around slowly disperse.

Don't you have a better way than hugging him? Bright thought as Mike hugging Win is pretty much the same, well atleast Mike didn't have any ill intention.

After he said that, some people laugh and jeers. Respecting Bright, they all leave one by one. It took them quite awhile. His house was left completely empty when it's near 2AM. Bright then proceed on checking his house.

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