Chapter Two

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The young girl's gaze lingered on the sturdy floorboards, seemingly absorbed by the intricate patterns of the wooden grains. Her demeanor was somber, lost in her thoughts as she stared at the polished expanse before her, a trace of sadness haunting her eyes.

Her big, black eyes then traced down the sturdy legs of the stool, fingertips exploring its worn spots, lost in memories of meaningful moments from her past. She slipped into a tranquil reverie, the ornate patterns on the stool's surface defining her world.

As she closed her eyes, lost in reminiscence, a storm brewed within my not-so-tender soul. Anguish, disappointment, irritation, disdain - emotions churned, yearning to consign the wretched stool to a relic of the past, erasing its presence from memories.
But no, she wouldn't let me. Pulling me back, she pushed my bygone yearnings into the forefront of my consciousness. I had to move onward, compelled by the stubborn voices of my old legends. She wrestled with herself, anchoring me to my turbulent history.

"Idiot! Good for nothing imbecile!" She hissed. "In fact..."

Her voice trailed off as she turned to the placid surface, her fingers barely brushing its edge. My mind beckoned, trying to unravel the hidden facets of my history contained within the stool. Yet, her eyes and hands held it closely, refusing to release it. Grasping, tugging, I yearned to beat my body with the cool brush strokes of my body.

Meanwhile, in another room nearby...

**Jojo's POV

Having just emerged from the bathroom and heading back to bed on a leisurely weekend morning, I anticipated the luxury of sleeping in. However, as I attempted to move, an odd sensation overcame me, freezing me in place. To worsen matters, my customary dizzy spells hit me with full force. In a bid to reposition myself onto a more comfortable surface, I tried moving again, only to find my legs devoid of sensation, almost as if they were logs. I made another attempt, but instead of feeling normal, my legs started tingling. The dizziness returned, intensifying and eventually causing me to lose consciousness.

When I gradually opened my eyes, I took a moment to appreciate the newfound clarity. The gentle breeze from the ceiling fan brushed against my face like a blessing, while the soft hum of the digital clock brought comfort to my ears. Power had been restored, reinstating a sense of normalcy.

Turning my gaze to the digital clock resting on my bedside table, I wished it could transform into a human form and lend me a hand, though such an idea was obviously impossible.

The clock indicated that a few minutes past 8 AM had elapsed, and there I lay, utterly helpless on the chilly floor. Tentatively, I attempted to feel if my legs were functional again, and sure enough, they responded with a tingling sensation that brought a smile to my lips.

Encouraged, I used my bed's base for support and managed to pull my self to sit up though I could only remain seated for a brief period as an unexpected wave of nausea washed over me, compelling me to hurry to the bathroom to empty the contents of my stomach.

This had become an unfortunate part of my morning routine: a combination of vomiting, numbness, and dizzy spells. Yet, today, I was in for a revelation that would leave me profoundly shocked.

Once more that day, I stood rooted in place, my eyes transfixed by a sight that left me in utter shock

"What is this? What... What is this? Lord ?

A CAST OF PAIN   (Closed For Editing)Where stories live. Discover now