Chapter Thirty Two

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They convened in the guest sitting room, each person taking their seat, ready for the Christmas party planning session. Martha, the natural leader, assumed her usual role, standing in the center and issuing instructions while Jessie diligently recorded the details. Mr. and Mrs. Williams Williams had decided to host a grand Christmas party, extending invitations to the entire town.


It feels orchestrated, as if they've planned this. Or maybe, are they all pretending? It's been two weeks, and no one has addressed the incident. They treat me like nothing happened, which is unnerving. But I don't need an abrupt departure. Yes, I considered running away, but... I changed my mind.

"... So, you guys will handle making the chairs and table available. There will be caterers for the food so we wouldn't have to bother. Children are coming too," Martha continued, firmly leading the discussion. Jessie and David were assigned shopping duties.

"Yes, about that," Larry interjected.

"Yes, Larry?"

"Well, about shopping..."

"I was thinking, why don't we all go together?"

Larry's suggestion garnered unanimous approval. For the first time since the holidays, unity prevailed in the room.

"... I mean the whole town's coming, which means mass shopping. Since we barely leave the house, we could all go together."

The idea resonated with everyone, leading to a chorus of agreement.

"Decors are also needed," Jessie added, flashing a grin. "And you'll need someone with a good sense of style to do the choosing."

"Trying to sell yourself, huh?" Larry teased.

"Whatever you see it as, bro."

"So, everyone agrees then."

"Cody barked in return."

Laughter filled the room.

"Hey you!" Jojo cooed. "Awwn! No one told me you brought a dog along?" Before anyone could respond, she was up, crouching to Cody's level.

"You're such a cutie pie..." She was reaching out to pet him when she suddenly remembered something and stopped.

"Uh, who's the owner?"

"That'll be me," Lawrence replied.

"Oh, can I touch him?"

"Sure, go on."


"And what's your name, cutie pie?"

Lawrence answered, "Cody."

"Howdy Cody, how are you?"

Cody shook her hand, earning collective admiration.

"Good boy."

"Yes Cody, it's a shopping spree."

"So while that's going on, let's pick a date for the shopping."

"Saturday would be just fine."

"Okay, does everyone agree Saturday?"

"All in favor for Saturday say 'aye' and against say 'nay.'"

"Aye!" Everyone chorused.

"Great, so Saturday it is."

"So let's all get up and pray."


"Yes, Larry."

"No offense, but we don't have to involve God in everything. You guys really overdo it."

"Larry, it's essential to involve God in everything. He is our partner and the reason why we're all alive to plan such an event."

Flora rolled her eyes. "Yeah right. Whatever."

They stood up and joined hands. Martha, inspired by the Spirit, spoke. "Mom and Dad planned this party to celebrate and bring people together. God has put this event in our hands." She closed her eyes, and everyone followed suit.

"We are going to tell God this, 'Jesus, you said where two or three are gathered in your name, there you are with them. Father, we are here, gathered in Jesus' name, and we are more than two and more than three. Please come and dwell amongst us now and on that day.'"

Everyone began to pray, and their voices merged into a harmonious unity. Martha continued, "We commit that day, December 25, into your hands. Please Lord, breathe your life on us, in everyone and everything. Charge us up, Lord."

Though the voices seemed like murmurs to him, he concentrated.

"Pray for your father."

He wanted to open his eyes, but then he shut them tightly.

"Pray for him," the gentle whisper repeated.


No body had noticed him leave the room. He was now seated under the tree he had found Jojo on the other day. He gripped the bench tightly and shut his eyes.

"Why?" He suddenly voiced out under his breath.

"Why should I pray for him? Of all people, why him?"

"Trust me."

"Trust you! Who are you?"

"The Lord!"

A CAST OF PAIN   (Closed For Editing)Where stories live. Discover now