Chapter Nine

20 11 1

Jojo's POV

I blinked my eyes open, feeling like I'd been hit by a freight train. The room was way too bright, and it took a moment for my brain to catch up. My head pounded like a jackhammer, and I couldn't figure out which way was up.

Trying to move was a disaster. My limbs felt like they were made of lead, and panic started to creep in. There were voices, but they sounded distant, like they were underwater.

The room spun, making me want to throw up. I clung to the sheets, praying it would stop.

Then, it all came back to me. Being in Kore's arms, and then... nothing. Anger boiled up inside me. Kore had brought me here, even after I'd told her I didn't want any of this.

"Kore!" I managed to croak, my voice shaky. I turned my head to see her sitting nearby, looking worried and relieved at the same time.

Kore's face showed a mix of emotions. "Jojo, you're awake. I had to bring you here. I couldn't just leave you at home like that."

Of course she hadn't forgotten, of course she had to quickly explain herself, we had agreed.

My anger flared like a wildfire, but I was too weak to argue. I just kept my eyes locked on Kore, shooting daggers with my gaze.

As I sat there, glaring at Kore and feeling the lingering anger, the door to my hospital room swung open. In walked the Doctor all casually dressed, as if it was just another day at the office, a nurse followed behind him holding a clipboard close to her chest.

The doctor gave me a friendly smile. "Well, Jojo,"he brgan. "How are we feeling ?" He glanced at some papers on a clipboard, probably filled with all kinds of brain tumour-related jargon that I couldn't make heads or tails of.

Kore jumped in, answering all the doctor's questions about me. She explained how I'd lost consciousness at home due to the brain tumour I'd had for longer than I could remember. Her voice wavered with worry, but she tried to keep it together.

I listened to their conversation, my anger still simmering beneath the surface. When the doctor turned to me and asked how I was feeling, I replied, my voice calm but cold, "I'd like to be discharged."

The doctor raised an eyebrow, probably not used to patients making such straightforward requests. "Jojo, we're here to help you. It's important that we monitor your condition and ensure you're stable."

I shook my head, my resolve unwavering. "I appreciate that, but I want to leave."

The room fell into an uncomfortable silence. Kore looked torn between supporting me and trusting the doctor's expertise. The battle between my stubbornness and the doctor's concern had just begun, and I had no intention of backing down.

"I want to be discharged," I deadpanned.


I was sitting in bed, the clock on the wall mocking me with its late-hour glow, strumming my guitar without really hearing the notes. Sleep was a distant dream, and the events of the past few hours refused to let go of my mind.

Just an hour ago, I had been trapped in stillness, barely able to draw a breath or twitch a muscle. The room was a vacum of sensation, save for the faint stirrings of air that brushed against me. It felt like a living death.

Rather than reaching out to Him, I had remained there, paralyzed by doubt and fear. In that moment, all I could think of was death.

It felt selfish, I knew. Kore and I always prayed together for my healing during our moments of devotion, but right there and  then, all I craved was release. I wanted out, I wanted to go home, at least I was confident of my eternal destination, heaven. He would grant my request, I know. Or, would He ?

As I lay there in my contemplation, the door creaked open, and Kore slipped into the room. I glanced at her, my expression a mix of resentment and confusion. "I don't want to see you!" I began, my voice brittle with anger, "you took me to the hospital, even when I told you not to."

Kore sighed, her shoulders slumping in remorse. "Jojo, I'm sorry. I was scared. I thought I was losing you, and I didn't know what else to do, I mean I couldn't just leave you there."

I nodded, my anger still burning but tempered by her admission. "You should've asked me," I muttered, my fingers plucking at the guitar strings.

"You were almost gone!" She shot back gently, "Wh... do you even know what you're talking about ? You were almost gone." She shot back. I could feel her trying to keep her emotions in check, she wasn't the type to get angry easily but, I didn't look her way still.

I felt her draw closer to the bed, her weight too as she settled beside me. Her eyes brimmed with remorse as she began. "Jojo, you can't be mad at me for taking you to the hospital, I had to."

"I don't like hospitals." I replied point blank.

"But you had to be there!" Kore replied, the nerves in her neck popping out. "Jojo I was scared, you were lying in my arms unconscious  what was I to do, sit there and do nothing, probably watch you pass on to glory, God forbid and there after take the blame for your death ? Mum and Dad don't even know about this Jojo, and you're angry,  If you are, how do you expect me to feel ?"

Tears welled in my eyes as I realized that Kore had acted out of love and desperation. "I'm just scared, okay ? We've been praying about this, I've been taking to Him about it but I'm getting tired fast," I finally spoke, my voice breaking.

"I know, I know," Kore replied, the tension in her voice had died down now. " I might not be in your shoes but trust me I'm with you, I feel with you but, we have to let Mum and Dad know."

"No, no, were not telling..."

"Why ?"

" 'Cause," she stressed "Cause, we'll.... We'll get through this...."

"You're not sounding convincing," she raised her brow.

"Look," I put my guitar aside and reached out and took her hand, squeezing it gently. "I know, Jojo. "I'll be fine,"

"I know..." She was going to argue further and I didn't want to hear it.

"We'll tell, but not now okay ?

Her features resisted.

"Not now okay?" I repeated. Let's wait until I feel a bit stronger, until I can wrap my head around everything. I promise, Kore, we'll tell them soon. But for now, let's just focus on getting through this together."

Kore nodded reluctantly, her expression betraying her lingering unease. "Okay, Jojo. But please, don't wait too long. We can't keep this from them forever."

As she spoke, a shadow of doubt crossed her features, hinting at the tension that would inevitably arise from keeping such a significant secret.

A CAST OF PAIN   (Closed For Editing)Where stories live. Discover now