Chapter Forty Three

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"Useless child! Good-for-nothing imbecile... I hate you with a passion, never forget that!" The harsh words echoed in her head.

Despite the night's active air conditioner, she awoke bathed in sweat. The beads clung to her skin, almost like a dense veil, causing the room to feel constricted.

Swiftly, she shed the suffocating duvet, leaping out of bed and making a beeline for the bathroom.


In the early hours of the morning, Jojo's soulful plea resonated:

"By the hands of the Almighty, I've been set free, healed, delivered, made complete. Now I'm walking in victory. Said I'm walking in victory, I'm walking in victory, get my joy back. Oh, get my joy back, I get my back, I get my hope back, I get my strength back."

Despite pouring her heart into a song of hope, she found herself surrounded by the crickets of the morning and deafening silence. Longing for a divine response, she waited, seeking a sign that God was speaking. Time passed, and her anticipation remained unanswered.

In that vulnerable moment, she seized a metaphorical knife, slicing through her heart to release the pent-up heaviness in her eyes. As the dam of emotions broke loose, she cried out:

"Father, am I alone? I feel alone, abandoned. Did you grow weary of me and block me out? You promised never to leave, yet your presence eludes me. Father, I need you. Help me, please."


Impatience pierced the air as Larry exclaimed, "What's taking the food so long? A man's gotta eat something."

Perhaps it was Larry's resonant voice or the chair scraping against the floor that snapped Jojo back to reality. Regardless, she welcomed the return to earthly matters with a wry smile in response to greetings from others taking their seats.

As dinner was promptly served, Paul's prayer echoed, initiating an earnest meal. The atmosphere was filled only with the clinking of cutlery against plates and distant family murmurs. A palpable silence enveloped the room, casting a chilly ambiance above them, unbroken until a faint "Good evening" broke the ice.

"Evening, Evening..." murmured various responses from the table. Yet, one pair of eyes held an intense glare directed at Kore. She paid little mind, remaining unfazed despite being the least in her thoughts.

Martha seized the opportunity to welcome Kore to the dinner table, offering a seat and passing the bowl of food. Kore's silent acknowledgment preceded her serving herself. For a brief moment, her voice dominated the air in a silent prayer before she began to eat.

The attempt to ease tension brought an uneasy edge, marked by lingering stares. Raising her eyes from her food, Kore connected with his gaze, offering a quick smile as the silent dinner continued.


As dinner concluded, everyone pitched in, swiftly clearing the table. The ladies efficiently packed plates and utensils into a basket, while the men diligently returned chairs and tables to their original places.

The walk back to the main mansion unfolded in silence, a stark contrast to the earlier dinner's lively atmosphere. Amidst the noise from the house filled with people, Jojo, having quickened her pace, intercepted David during their casual stroll.

"Hey, David, can I talk to you?" Jojo's urgency brought them to a stop, and she energetically announced their departure with waves and shouts.

"We'll catch up with you guys later," she exclaimed, drawing a few curious glances. Waving again, she confirmed, "We'll be back soon," before resuming her walk, with David following closely.

"So, are we standing here or....?" he asked.

"Let's take a stroll," Jojo suggested, guiding them towards a more private setting for their conversation.


One by one, each family member entered, with Martha taking the lead in greeting.

"Oh, Dad, Mum, good evening, sir and ma."

"Where are your sisters?" inquired Mum.

"They're coming, Mum," Martha promptly replied.

"Okay, go drop what's in your hands and come back."

"Okay, Mum."

As the others joined, pleasantries were exchanged.

"Mum, Dad?" Jessie's voice cut through the conversation.

Larry also walked in, sharing the surprise with his sister.

Kore sauntered in last.


Facing my tormentors again, I couldn't discern if it was my inability to react or my desire to escape, as their presence triggered flashes of last night's dream, making my head throb. Yet, I felt anchored to the ground, meeting their eyes and managing a smile.

"Good evening, sir and ma," I whispered.

"Evening, dear, how are you?" greeted my tormentor mother.

"Fine," I replied simply.

"How has your day been?" added my tormentor Dad.

"Fine. Excuse me, I would like to drop these plates in the kitchen now," I interjected, reluctant to spend another second in front of them.

"Will you come back?" Mrs. Daniels asked.

"No!" came my sharp reply, and silence ensued.

I tightly gripped the plates, determined to avoid a repeat of the incident with Mum's food and China from a few days ago. Perhaps it was too late for corrections; the stares I received offered no solace. Nevertheless, I pushed down the humiliating feeling, replying more calmly, "No, no, I mean, I was busy before, before... dinner, so I'll be going back up soon. When I'm done doing the dishes, that is."

"Oh... okay, that's fine," Mrs. Daniels said, her voice betraying hurt. I remained indifferent.

"But, are you sure you're okay, Kore?" Her Dad's gaze delved deep into my eyes.

"Yes, Dad, I'm good. I'll just go to the kitchen now." I wasted no time. The eyes that followed me were enough to make me lose a step, but I continued to the kitchen.

Carefully placing the plates in the sink, I reached for the sponge with shaky hands. Already dousing it with soap, a hand stopped me.

"Here, let me help."

Turning to look at the tall figure behind me, I shook my head.

"Kore, you need to breathe. Doing the dishes won't help, so let me."

After a few moments of hesitation, I let go of the sponge. "Thank you, Jessie."

"My pleasure. Now go."

A CAST OF PAIN   (Closed For Editing)Where stories live. Discover now