Chapter Forty Two

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Two days had passed since the Daniels' visit, and everything seemed to have returned to normal. However, for me, encountering someone from my dreams, my tormentor, in real life was not an everyday occurrence. While seers might relate, I didn't share that ability.

Thoughts of the two people I had spent time with during the holidays occupied my mind. I attempted to imagine their reactions to the truth, but it eluded me. The questions from two days ago resurfaced, and I found myself grappling with conflicting emotions.

How did I truly feel about this revelation? Should I be excited? What would their reactions be if they discovered the truth? What about mine? They remained unaware of their mother's atrocities, but I would wait and see.

I had always wondered about the woman in my dreams and whether she had a partner. Perhaps he was dead, explaining his absence in my dreams. Two days ago, I saw it all. I used to confidently declare myself a good person, yet now, uncertainty clouded my self-perception.

Since two days ago, I wasn't so sure anymore. Despite vowing to forgive her beforehand, meeting my tormentor in real life had cast doubt on my convictions.



A heavy silence followed his revelation, turning the previously comfortable atmosphere awkward. She averted her face into the open space.

"I'm sorry; I knew it was personal stuff, but I couldn't help it after what happened at the mall," he stammered, realizing he needed to stop.

"Why are you asking if you know it's personal?" she retorted sharply, her tone laced with sarcasm.

"I'm sorry," he paused. "But, after what happened at the mall, I've been so scared and worried."

"Is your fear or worry going to change anything?" Her sudden coldness caught David off guard.

"Jojo, I'm sorry. I know I stepped on the line..."

"Oh! You have," sarcasm dripped from her words. "Your concern, your fear, solved nothing, absolutely nothing."

Tears fell, and David regretted bringing up the issue, unable to alleviate her pain.

"Your concern, your fear, solved nothing, absolutely nothing," she repeated coldly. "And you know what? I don't blame you. You've been exposed to so much family drama, and now you know... you know almost everything."

As he apologized again, she commanded, "Just stay away from me." The abruptness left David stunned.

One last look at him, and she was gone, leaving him in shame.



Paul looked up from his phone immediately he heard the clicking of the door as it opened and closed. Soon enough his wife's face surfaced.

"Honey, you're back."

She sat on the bed and buried her face in her palms while backing him. But said nothing.

"How did it go?"

"She still won't open up," Martha mumbled before taking her hands off her face. "She won't open up."

Paul was quiet for a while. His face was scrunched up in confusion. "I'm still confused, what did you say......happened again ?

"I can't explain either," she shook her head.


"I just can't explain... Martha was now saying absent mindedly as memories of what happened 2 days ago flashed through her mind.

The crashing of the plates which contained their guests' dinner to the ground, the shock on Kore's face.....


"Okay, M, first..." he got up and went to sit beside his wife. "First of all, you're getting me scared, and confused and curious."

"Sorry," she apologized before looking up and giving him a weary smile."

"It's okay. I'm sure, whatever it is that happened will sort it self out."

"Sure, I know. But, honey, you should have been there, I wish you had been there and, and, you should have seen Kore's reaction when she finally met the guests...."

An amusing smile found its way to Paul's face as he listened with rapt attention to his wife's blubbering.

"....And since then, since two days ago, Kore has refused to open up to anyone." Paul I'm so, terribly, wor..." She stopped abruptly.

"What are you doing ?"

"Well, I'm listening to you."

"Like that ?"

(His elbows sat on his laps, letting his palms open and serve as a support for his face which was focused on his wife all the while she talked).

He nodded I'm response.

"No offense but.."

"None taken," he said dreamily.

"Paul, focus," she whined. "I'm being serious here. Stop acting like a lost puppy."

"Oh, I heard what you said, Paul replied finally sitting up straight. "all of it."

"So, what do I do ?"

"What were you going to do about it ?"

"Well....I..... nothing."


Martha could only sigh and take on Paul's former sitting position.


She turned her head to face him. Her worried look refused to leave her face.

"Hey," he called again and softly this time before pulling her face towards his till their eyes connected.

"Everything's going to sort it self out. Okay ?"

She hesitated for a bit before nodding. "Okay."

"That's my girl."

She smiled. "I love you."

"Awwn!, Who's looking like a lost puppy now, huh ?"

"Shut up jor,"

For a while, there was silence as they looked deep in each other's eyes. Soon they were laughing.

"Come on, let's get something to eat, I'm famished," Martha said.

A CAST OF PAIN   (Closed For Editing)Where stories live. Discover now