Chapter Twelve

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Getting to the front, she bowed and said, "I sincerely apologize for the delay, your honour."

The silence that descended upon the courtroom was palpable. It stretched on so long that one could hear the faintest of heartbeats. Judge Anderson, an elderly man in his early fifties, fixed an intense gaze on the petite young lady standing before him. His eyes, magnified by the reading glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, bore into her, assessing her presence and intent.

Every eye in the courtroom was locked onto the judge, their collective anticipation heightened by his deliberate silence. Kore's bowed head remained, the only exception in the room. Judge Anderson's gaze lingered for a moment longer before he signaled with a graceful gesture of his hand.

"Call the first case," he commanded, his voice resonating with a slight but commanding boom.

The courtroom's Registrar, Mr. Collins, a man known for his impeccable attention to detail, took a step forward. He cleared his throat before announcing, "Case number one: Senator Agabaje Johnson and his son, Daniel Johnson."

As the names were uttered, all eyes shifted towards the entrance of the courtroom. The imposing figure of Senator Johnson, accompanied by his son Daniel, stepped into the dock. The spectators held their collective breath, acutely aware that this trial marked a turning point.

That you, Mr. Daniel Johnson, son of Senator Agbaje Johnson, on the 21st February 2010 was seen by several eyewitnesses to have shot an innocent passer-by, in person of late Oladade Badmus, during a sporadic shooting at Lake side street, pipeline Lagos."

"That you, Senator Agbaje Johnson, in conjunction with the Commissioner of Police and Former Chief Justice collins Odima, arrested an innocent citizen, charged him to a kangaroo court where you sent him to jail in place of your son."

"That you, Daniel Johnson, were discovered to be in possession of illegal arm without license.

The room's tension reached its zenith as Registrar Collins finally raised his head to face the accused. "Guilty or not guilty?" he inquired, the weight of those words hanging heavily in the air.

In response, the defense counsel, known for his confident demeanor, shot up from his seat, his voice carrying conviction. "Not guilty."

The courtroom, filled with spectators, held its breath, knowing that the battle had just begun in earnest.

"Present the facts, please," Judge Anderson requested, his deep voice resonating with authority.

Kore rose gracefully, her head held high,
she offered a respectful bow before she began.

"Your honour, esteemed members of the Jury, what this courtroom seeks are not just facts; it craves justice. Justice for a life unjustly taken, for an innocent soul languishing in wrongful incarceration. Your honour, justice is the ultimate aim of this proceeding," she declared passionately before resuming her seat.

Back at Rotimi Chambers, Jojo's initial confidence crumbled into uncertainty. She face palmed herself in shock, while her colleagues couldn't hide their astonishment, most eyes turned towards her now.

"Oh my, what is she doing ?" Paul muttered in disbelief.

Lawrence nodded in agreement, "could this be a disaster ? Please tell me this isn't going to be a disaster ?"

But Florence, always skeptical of Kore's abilities, couldn't help but smirk, "I knew it. She's way in over her head."

At the hospital, Paul reclined in his seat, his heart beat becoming faint as the feeling of fear seemed to have a grip on him. "Come on, come on, he muttered, under his breath.

A CAST OF PAIN   (Closed For Editing)Where stories live. Discover now