Chapter Twenty One

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Lawrence's POV

It was years ago and I could still call to mind the way the gentle caress of the  early morning breeze on my skin. It was so comforting, but I wished it would just blow on my insides, my heart that is, because, I felt so distraught within me. Beyond distraught, I felt lost. My mind went blank as the morning air blew off all I had been thinking. All except one that lingered, Suicide.

I Could still remember Cody howling and whimpering, I wanted to end it all on that bridge.  After all, there was nothing else to live for. So, this was the better option, the easy way.

Cody howled endlessly before giving up and running in the opposite direction. My weary and teary eyes followed his retreating feature. And, almost immediately, I felt my knees give in and lowered myself to the ground. They came as whimpers first, and then I was really crying.

The only one I thought would remain with me was gone. And, I began to finally accept, "maybe I was born to be alone, born to this cruel fate.  No family, no friends, not even my best friend Cody. I was alone.

And, so, with nothing but a hardened heart, and a new motivation to leave this cold world, I stood near the edge, refusing to look down, only straight ahead. And with a sigh, I prepared to take the plunge.


I remembered saying this guy looked familiar, like, we've  met before somewhere.  I just couldn't place where exactly we did.

I could still recall that fateful day when
at 2:00 AM, my eyes snapped open for no apparent reason. I reached for my phone to check the time.

Why was I awake? There was no immediate need or disturbance, neither was it a call to nature. So I lay down and listened, first to the gentle hum of the roaming fan, the electric currents running through the walls and then I heard it. His voice, clear and distinct, He said, "Take a walk down the bridge."

I was startled, wondering why I should be doing this at such an hour. It was 2 o'clock, and my initial reaction was more of questioning my own sanity than the One who led me. But then, it must be for a reason.

I considered waking my parents or even Jojo who slept soundly beside me, but He urged me not to. I had to go alone.

I put on warm clothing, a pair of jeans, and sneakers, slipping out quietly, unnoticed by even the gatekeeper.

The night was still, and fear crept in as I walked alone, for anyone I might encounter at that hour could seem like a ghost or someone with ill intent. I was on my own, with only the invisible presence of the Spirit of God to accompany me.

The first 35 minutes were filled with shaking from the cold and fear, wondering what had prompted this late-night walk. His voice or something else.

As I walked, I whispered a prayer, asking God to be with me. The bridge still loomed in the distance, and doubt began to cast a shadow over me. I was expecting the worst, be it from potential bandits or from my worried parents back home. I had to keep moving.

Suddenly, a faint howl pierced the night air. I brushed it off; wolves were unheard of in Nigeria's urbanized areas. But the howls grew louder and more intense, turning into barks. I began running, but a white-furred, energetic dog outran me.

Out of breath, I stopped abruptly, bewildered by the sight of a dog on the bridge in the dead of night. The urgency with which it barked and prodded me sent a clear message, even though I didn't fully comprehend it.

"Okay, okay, doggie," I began, trying  to understand it's urgent message. what is it?"

To my surprise, the dog calmed down and whimpered softly in response. It then lifted its nose, pointing back in the direction it had come from.

A CAST OF PAIN   (Closed For Editing)Where stories live. Discover now