Chapter Eight

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The room was scanty. It was large but, scanty. Probably because it was all white walls, probably because we haven't had the time to decorate it. Yes, the obvious reason.

The only bust of colour in the room was from the brown tiles on the floor. But despite the minimalistic appearance it was special to both of us. Here's is where we did the two things we loved most. Singing and dancing. Yep! Outside the office walls, we were passionate singers and dancers.

The room housed nothing more than two chairs , our guitars which we usually hung on the wall when we were not using them and a beautiful picture frame of me and Jojo. One of the cutest pictures w have ever taken. One of them because, we took a lot of pictures, courtesy of Jojo the 'Picturholic." If there was such a term.
I on the other hand was only an unwitting victim of her relentless photo taking or otherwise known as 'picturholism.'

Seated across from each other, casually strumming our guitars, Jojo gazed at the picture with a smile and suggested,

"We should adorn these bare walls with more pictures of us."

I turned my attention to the picture frame and chuckled, "You and your pictures."

"No, I'm serious. It's a great idea," Jojo countered earnestly, setting her guitar aside.

"I never said it wasn't," I replied, balancing my head on my hand and rolling my eyes playfully.

"So... what now?" Jojo drawled, contemplating whether to continue strumming or transition to singing.

"Shall we sing something?" she asked after a brief pause.

"Yes, but I'm not sure what. What song should we choose?"Jojo prodded, "Which song suits the mood in here?"

I took a moment to reflect, then said, "Give me a moment."

As I closed my eyes and absorbed the quiet ambiance, I realized it was perfect for a solemn song. Opening my eyes, I began strumming my guitar, prompting Jojo to sit attentively, pondering the song we should perform together. Moments later, she recognized the melody and joined in, suggesting,

"Let's make it a duet."I nodded, and with my thin soprano voice, we embarked on the harmonious journey of the chosen song.

Kore : Your love is devoted

Jojo: like a ring of solid gold

Kore: like a vow that is tested

Jojo: like the covenants of old

Kore: and your love is enduring

Jojo : through the inter and the rain

Kore: and beyond the horizon

Jojo: with mercy for today

Kore: Faithful you have been

Jojo: And faithful you will be

Kore : You pledged yourself to me

Jojo: And that's why I sing

Both: Your praise will ever be on my lips (4times)

They continued strumming to the same song adliping and running scales in preparation for second verse.

Kore sang the song with a deep understanding, for it echoed their life's journey and the trials they'd overcome, all thanks to their unwavering faith in Jesus.

They recognized that their progress wouldn't have been possible without divine intervention.

Jojo, too, sang from the depths of her heart, driven by a similar conviction. She had witnessed she had from up knowing Jesus all her life via her family and had been encouraged to a personal relationship with him . An

However, Jojo chose to keep her renewed battle with her returning tumor a secret from her parents. She didn't want to burden them with worry, even though Kore had passionately urged her to share the truth with them.

Jojo acknowledged Kore's unwavering support, which had been her anchor through these trying times. She recognized that without Kore's encouragement, her faith might have faltered. And so, she praised God for bringing Kore into her life, knowing that His grace had been with them every step of the way.

......You will be praised (3times)
Worthy are you Lord.

The sung this part with intense passion. Passion that anyone who saw them could smell it from afar. Joy and peace radiated from her heart. The duo soon brought the song to an end and smiled.

See, I knew you could do it, Jojo cheered happily. She dropped her guitar and stood to give Kore a hug.

The hug lingered for approximately a minute before she noticed her partner's body growing limp against her, their breathing becoming faint. She briefly released her hands from her partner's back but promptly tightened her hold. The weight of her partner began to weigh on her, causing Kore to gradually sink to her knees, all the while cradling Jojo in her embrace.

" Jojo, Jojo," she called, her voice quivering with fear as tried she shake her awake.

A CAST OF PAIN   (Closed For Editing)Where stories live. Discover now