Chapter Thirty Seven

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Few weeks later.....

David ran up the stairs that led to the roof and he had to admit to himself that she was right. The air that welcomed him was fierce but still refreshing.

The crowd that trooped in to the compound for the Christmas party was overwhelming which was one of the reasons he had come to the roof for a breather before he went back to handle them, with the hope that nothing got missing along the way.

He allowed his palms rest on the concrete railing and from there observed all that went on from there, right from the adults to the little kids whom he was sure couldn't see him and smiled. Smiled because of the happy faces of the children, smiled because it was what he loved doing, Observing. He smiled because he was at peace with himself.....a decision that was rooted to a discussion he had had with Jojo the day before l.


Jojo had been busy putting finishing touches to the choreography they weren't perform the next day when he approached her.

"Jojo, can I see you ?"

"Oh yeah sure, could you give me a few seconds ?"

"I'll be waiting at the shade."

"Kay." She nodded and turned back to the children.

True to her words, about 30 seconds later, she joined him under the shade.

"Hola David. Out wanted to see me ?"


"Okay. I'm all ears."

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm finally
At peace with myself." He announced but got disappointed when she didn't say anything". "You're not going to say anything ?"

"Oh, I didn't think you were done talking."

He soon became quiet and deep in thought.

"You're right, I wasn't done talking." He sighed then continued. "The talk we had.... The last time, made me realize that being at peace with myself was important for me,my health, my sanity, has made me question what being at peace with myself really means. I meditated on this and I think through that I unconsciously dropped the grudge I was holding against my dad. And..... " he became quite again.
And I've forgiven my father.

Jojo smiled. Hmm. You have obeyed Abba.

Confused, David asked, "say what now ?"

"Abba!" Jojo repeated after a short laugh. "It means Father in English."

"Oh," David nodded in realization.

"So, have you told Him ?"

"Ah..." David started, scratching the back of his head. "No." He replied.

"You should."

"Why ?"

Jojo was quiet for a while.

"So, you were at this party, in a pretty bad mood and you didn't seem to hide it. No one noticed you but this one stranger. He walks up to you, reads your mind, gives you a solution and disappears." She stops.

"What are you getting at ?"

"Patience, I'm not done yet." After a while she continued."So, after much consideration, you decide to take the advise and, voila it works. Who would you share the good news with first ?

David relaxed on his chair and reiterated the story in his head before answering. I would share the hood news with the one who gave me the advice first." But before she was able to reply, David added quickly. "He only asked me to pray for my dad not the other way round.

A CAST OF PAIN   (Closed For Editing)Where stories live. Discover now