Chapter 7 - She is my everything

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"She was either wildly naive, or dangerously intelligent."


Natalie's POV

From the moment I opened my mouth and said those words out loud, Nikolas decided to keep silent. He didn't give me any reaction, just like I expected him to. He looked right ahead of him as he started the engine and pulled off into the street.

The ride to his house was silent, he loved the silence. I always noticed how annoyed he gets every time I try to open a new conversation. As much as the thought of annoying him felt appealing at the moment, something about the energy radiating off him had me deciding against triggering him.

I've seen a different side of him today.

A man who kills for a living, and who enjoys it quite well.

Still, I didn't feel scared or the least threatened by him. Maybe it was me being naïve, or just the psychologist in me who saw much more behind that hard surface.

The ride to his house took longer than I expected, he really wasn't kidding when he said no one knows where he lives. We took turns after turns, going to a part of the city that I've never visited before. Even if someone decided to follow us, he would've gotten lost around thirty turns ago.

We went down an excluded road, on each side, lines and lines of trees stood high, probably leading down to a forest. Oh wow, he could easily kill me and bury me here, and no one would even notice.

"What are you thinking about?" Nikolas asked, and me being taken aback by the fact that he just initiated a conversation is a total understatement.

I turned to him, his eyes were focused only at the road ahead of us, one of his hands over the steering wheel, and the other laying on his thigh, right beside where his gun is, ready to whip it out and use it if needed. Is that how he lives? Always running away, always on alert? How can he handle it?

"Just thinking about how easy it is for you to kill me and drop my body down here," I mumbled as my eyes drifted back to the infinite line of trees we were passing by.

"I figured as much," His words had me turning my head to witness a hint of a smile over his lips, he looked at me, "But if I want you dead, I would've just left you there to go to your house alone."

His words had my heart sinking down, "I am worried about my cat."

He sighed, "Natalie, no one is gonna go inside your house and kill your cat, they want you, not your cat," My eyes widened at the kill my cat words, "Oh god, never say that again, my heart is beating so fast right now." I mumbled as I pressed my hand over my chest.

He turned his gaze back to me, confusion tightened his brows, like he couldn't understand, "I mean one day or another, it is going to die," He said in a matter-of-a-fact and I think I stopped breathing, "You would just get a new one, there are cats like everywhere."

"Oh my god, stop!" I snapped, my heart felt like it could jump out of my chest, "Never say something like that again, she is my little baby, I found her by our building when she was only one week old," Emotions tightened my chest at the thought of me losing her, "And stop calling her an it, her name is Massie."

His eyebrow raised, "Excuse me for abiding by the grammar rules of the English language," He mumbled sarcastically.

I shot him a glare, "I think I liked it better when you were silent," I shot out, "How about we go back to that?"

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