All Hail the Queen - Extra Scenes

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These scenes of Emma's storyline were supposed to be included in the previous chapter, but I didn't want to divert from the main topic of Natalie and Nikolas in there, so I am adding it here as an extra, especially for the Emma-Roman shippers.


"You were born a leader, no throne or crown is needed."


Nikolas's POV

I paused by the doorway, my eyes fixated on Emma as she immersed herself in a workout routine. Stretching out on the inclined bench, she anchored her hands behind her head and propelled her upper body upwards repeatedly. Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail, beads of sweat glistened on her brow and stray stands of hair clung to her temples, dampened by the exertion of her intense regimen.

Her breath echoed in a rhythm of effort and determination that filled the air around her. Each movement was controlled and precise as she pushed herself to the limit with each repetition.

Her eyes met mine midway, causing her to pause momentarily. Gathering herself with a deep inhale, she propelled her body upright before she jumped to the ground, landing on two feet by the bench. She leaned down and picked up her water bottle, taking a few gulps as I stepped closer.

"Hey," She said, using the small towel around her neck to wipe at her forehead.

"Hey," I said back, my gaze flickering all over and taking notice of her apparent agitated state.

I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back, "I thought you'd go right back to London after Isaac meets his end."

It's been a month since that day and she is still here; something was holding her back for sure.

She shrugged, "I was planning to," She mumbled, resting her water bottle away, "I just haven't found the enough strength to go there and face everything else."

"You mean Vivian?" I asked and she shrugged, her lips curling up in annoyance, "Yeah, her, and everything," She mumbled, "Now that Isaac is dead, the Brits are out of control, questioning about what will happen, they're rioting, and causing so many problems. Roman went a couple of days ago and came back, it's chaotic there now."

I nodded, aware of that fact, things were spiraling out of control, which meant I had to take charge soon, "What about you," Emma asked, reaching for the close bench and sitting over it, "When do you plan on going to Italy?" She tilted her head up, her eyes on me, "They're asking for you."

I nodded my head, "I know, I was just trying to get my head back into the game," I answered.

"Is it back?" She asked and I shrugged, "Kind of."

She nodded, "I get it, there are these many contradictive thoughts in my head too and I am not quite sure of anything anymore," She mumbled lowly, reflecting her inner struggle; one I could relate to more than she knows.

I sucked into a deep breath and rushed a hand over my face, "Emma," I said, "I will ask you something and I need you to be honest with me," I started. Her eyebrows pulled closer at my serious tone and she nodded her head, urging me to carry on.

"I always saw it in your eyes, in the way you spoke and the way you acted, but I don't think we ever spoke of it out loud," I added, diving right into it, "But Emma —would you want to lead?"

Lines etched her forehead, her gaze trying to decipher every little expression on my own, "What do you mean?" She mumbled lowly.

"You know exactly what I mean," I said, "Isaac is dead now, and all these people, they need a leader."

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