Chapter 29 - Atonement

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"Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know."


Nikolas's POV

"Where the hell have you been?" Alex's very loud voice was the first thing I heard this morning as he pushed past me and walked into the house, "And why weren't you picking up my calls?"

I closed the door and rushed a hand over my face, rubbing my eyes tiredly. I groaned in pain as I massaged my temple, wincing, my head was fucking pounding, "Can you not shout?" I grumbled out, I needed more sleep and rest. What time is it, anyway?

"I am not shouting," He paused in his steps and turned to me, narrowing his eyes suspiciously, "Why do you look like shit," He pushed his hands into his jacket's pocket, "And why is it so fucking cold in here?" He whined as he looked around the house before he headed toward the heating panel and turned it on, rubbing his hands and blowing in them ever so dramatically.

He walked back to me, his dissatisfied gaze on my bare chest and he rolled his eyes, "Can you put something on you?" He whined again, why is he so loud, "I don't want to have to look at your body and be motivated to go the gym right now."

I shot him a glare and walked past him toward my room. I pulled the sweater off my bed and slipped it over my body, my gaze falling over the black shirt Natalie wore the other night. My fingers itched and I took it into my grip, my fist tightened over the thin material, slowly bringing it up to my nose, and just like expected, it still smelled like her, all sweet and delicate.

Against my better judgment, my chest tightened and I let the shirt fall back into the bed's edge. I wasn't planning to remove it from there anytime soon, maybe it will give me the illusion that she is still here, that she is coming back, that last night wasn't the last time I'll ever see her.

I pushed past all the chaotic emotions clouding my chest, I'd rather focus on the pounding of my head; At least, it hurts less than whatever is pressing so tight under my ribcage. I hefted out a loud breath from my lungs as I exited the room and headed toward the kitchen. Alex had already settled there, his jacket hanging over one of the chairs, his gaze occupied by his phone as he read through some emails, all while munching on the apple in his hand. Where did he even get that from? I don't remember buying apples.

I tried to ignore him as I placed two or seven spoons of coffee into the machine and turned it on. I slumped over the chair, pressing my elbows over the table, and I rested my head in my hands, my fingers tightly gripping at the strands of my hair, wanting to rip them off from the immense pain surging and throbbing against my skull.

Feeling his eyes on me, I lazily lifted my head up to meet his confused gaze. He rolled his eyes, as if my presence alone annoys him so much, "Why are you ignoring me?" He asked, "I told you we need to talk," He carried on, and I realized maybe I shouldn't be too sad over the fact that Natalie left me, I still have him to act like the wife I never asked for and annoy me with every passing second, "Are you not talking to me on purpose?" His eyes narrowed at me, "You know I am the one who is mad at you, right?" He is still talking, "You should be the one coming and begging for my forgiveness."

I got up to my feet, briefly ignoring him as I took a cup and poured the much-needed coffee into it, "Let me have my caffeine first, and then we can fight," I grumbled, the ache in my head not stopping and his whining wasn't helping my case at the moment.

I turned around, ready to sit back when he said, "Hold on," I looked at him as he got up to his feet, "Hold this," He extended his half-eaten apple, pushing it into my free hand before he took the coffee cup from me and settled down, and ever so casually started sipping on it.

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