Chapter 2 -First memory

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"Some memories never leave your bones, like salt in the sea; they become part of you, - and you carry them."


Natalie's POV

"You look extra hot today," Sarah commented, her eyes narrowing as they went up and down my body, "Is this a new skirt?" She asked, her gaze flickering all over my face, "And your hair, you never let it down when you're working, and oh my god," She walked closer, her head tilting, "Is that makeup on your face?" Her eyes widened, "Since when you put makeup just for work?"

Jesus, was it that obvious? Have I really neglected myself that much lately?

I straightened my skirt and looked down at myself, "Yes, it's new, got it on sale, fifty percent off actually."

Her eyes stayed narrowed, "Are you going on a date after work or something?" She asked, "I am getting a very bad vibe."

I rolled my eyes at her and went back behind my office, "You came here to give me some files before you leave, right?"

She nodded, her eyes still skeptically following me as she placed some files and papers over the desk, "Anyway, it's already six pm, won't you be leaving for your date that you are not accepting to tell me about?"

I huffed out as I opened the file and looked at its content, "I am not going on a date, and did you forget that I have still one session to go?"

Realization flashed in her eyes, "Oh, new guy, right." Confusion drew her eyebrows together, "How come you accepted such a late appointment, I remember you saying that after five pm, your holy hours start."

On cue, a knock on the door echoed in the room. I immediately shot up to my feet, ready to kick Sarah out as Mr. Hot pants opened the door and made his way into my office.

"Hey, come in." I said when Nikolas's eyes fell on me. He gave me a nod, his eyes flickered to Sarah for a second before he walked inside.

"Ohhhhh," Sarah gave me a low whistle, "You're not going on a date, the date is coming to you, now I get it." She whispered, sending me a wink before she started to make her way out, "Uh Nate, I am gonna close up and leave, you know having a husband and kids at home to cook for is not that easy," She sighed, "You don't know how lucky you are to be a beautiful single woman in this city," My eyes widened at the way she stressed at the word single and how she managed to bring that fact into her sentence.

She stopped by the door, her eyes at Nikolas's back, she mouthed, "So hot!"

I wanted to facepalm when she closed the door behind and said, "Have a nice dat....session, have a nice session, bye!"

Nikolas turned around, his confused eyes on Sarah as she left the office. When he looked back at me, "Never mind her, she sometimes has a drink with lunch, so-" My chuckle was nervous as I pointed to the couch, "You may sit."

He nodded and seated himself down, and I definitely didn't miss the way his gaze went over me for a very fast second. His eyes lingered over my face for a moment before he looked away after. He rubbed at the back of his neck, almost nervously.

I couldn't help the satisfied smile that made it to my lips. So, I really do look good today, even Mr. hot pants noticed it.

He cleared his throat as his eyes went back to me, "I hope I'm not making you late for something," He said, his eyebrows pulling together and I felt my smile drop almost immediately. Was I that much ugly before that everyone thinks I am going somewhere?

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