Chapter 13 - Bring the monster back

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"I fear no monsters,
for no monsters I see.
Because all this time
the monster has been me."


Natalie's POV

I don't understand him.

I really don't.

I don't think I will ever be able to.

It's reason number one why I am pulled toward him like this. He intrigues me. He keeps surprising me. Keeps me on my toes...keeps me guessing. He pulls me in one second and pushes me away the next.

He is a very dangerous territory, a one I am willingly stepping into without any guard.

He opened the car's door for me and I whispered a low thank you as I got inside. He joined me seconds later and roared the engine to life. Pure joy danced in my stomach and my fingers wrapped over the seatbelt, fixing it and that's when I noticed the one lone red rose laying between our seats. My eyebrows pulled closer and I lifted my eyes to him, my gaze questioning.

He sighed, "Alex said I should bring you flowers or something," He mumbled.

I stared back at his amused, "You're taking dating advice from Alex?"

He shrugged, "Well, he seems to know his way around."

I resisted the urge to smile as he carried on, "Anyway when I went, the shop was closing up, since it's already late," He rubbed a nervous hand over the back of his neck, like this is the last thing he wanted to talk about, "This was the only thing left, and I totally forgot that I am supposed to give it to you."

The corner of my lips lifted up and I took the red rose into my hand and brought it closer to my nose, "I am not much of a flower girl, but," I took into its beautiful scent before I turned to him, "But this is just so sweet, I love it," It's not the flower, it's this tall dangerous man who actually went to a shop and tried to get me flowers, I could only imagine his frustration and nervousness as he did this simple small gesture.

My heart lurched in my chest, amazed by the vast difference between yesterday and today.

Just one day ago, he practically kicked me from his house, took me back to mine, and exposed a vulnerable, very tired side of him. And now, here he is, barging into my office, asking me out and bringing me flowers.

Can you blame me if I went on and fell in love with this human?

I am already drooling all over him and then he comes, all nervous and cute, asking me out for dinner. Oh god, if he knows I call him cute in my head, he most probably would use that gun and actually kill me.

You see, it's these two sides of him, so contradictive, so opposing, so addicting and thrilling.

So very messed up, Natalie. The logical side of my brain argued and I silenced its voice.

Nikolas pulled into the street and I let out a low breath as I leaned comfortably into my seat. As he said, tonight is just about tonight, "You said the house felt empty without me," I recalled back, my tone teasing, and my eyebrow raised, "Is it actually, or were you just sweet-talking me so I go out with you?"

He had one hand over the steering wheel, his gaze went to me and he nodded, "Yeah, there wasn't anyone to annoy me with every passing second," He mumbled, ever so casually and I shot him a glare, "And he is back!"

He cracked a smile, "I wasn't complaining," He remarked and my eyes narrowed at him, "So, you like me annoying you?"

He shrugged and I added, "Don't intrigue me, or else I would keep annoying you for the rest of your life," The words left my mouth quickly and I almost of his life, seriously Natalie? Too much for tonight being just about tonight.

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