Chapter 43 - We are buddies now

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"And suddenly, the monster in him falls silent as he rests his head on her lap."


Roman's POV

My eyes flickered from the kid, Laurens's and Celine's little boy, to the maid standing right next to him, explaining to me how his mother took her suitcase and ran off from the house, leaving her son behind the second Emma went missing this morning, probably terrified of Laurens and what he could do to her.

My jaw tightened in pure anger and frustration, and my hand on the side tightened into a fist, assessing her words one more time as I watched the scared tears scroll down the little kid's face, "I will deal with it," I grated out, dismissing the rest of her words as I crouched down beside the kid, forcing on a smile while my inside was on fire at the thought that she just left him and walked away.

"Hey," I said, much softer now as I used my thumb to wipe the tears from over his face.

I was a familiar face to him, saw him, and played with him every time I visited Laurens. I internally scoffed, and to think the man was one of my childhood friends and yet now he and his father are dead at the hands of none other than me and my wife. Still, I felt no ounce of regret, I would do it all over again. Let it be a lesson to anyone who dares to mess with us.

The little kid didn't feel estranged, seeking comfort in the only friendly face around so he inched closer, leaning to me as he whispered lowly, as not to let everyone hear him, "Where is my mom?"

"She will be back soon," I mumbled, trying to ease the stressed fearful lines etching his forehead. I will find and drag her back to him, she can't just leave him alone, without a mother or a father, I won't allow it.

"And dad?" He checked again.

My jaw worked and a low breath pushed off my lungs, unable to answer and lie on that part.

"Come here," I mumbled, changing the subject as I lifted him and stood up, letting him settle against my non-injured side as I headed up the stairs, reaching our room to check if Emma is awake. I could only imagine how this will trigger her beyond measure, she went out of her way to save that woman from her abusive relationship, for god's sake she got herself beaten up and kidnapped for that cause and this is how Celine paid us back; by abandoning her son.

The door to our room was left ajar and when I reached the entrance, my gaze fell on Emma, sitting down on the bed, across from her by the edge sat Vivian, and the downfall of tears scrolling down her cheeks left me baffled. I lowered the kid to the floor, keeping him by my side as I took a few steps closer, trying to understand what the hell was going on.

My gaze flickered to Emma again, to her tight fist over the comforter, to the redness seeping across her neck and face, to the few tears hanging by the edge of her eyes, one push and they would just fall. A hot rush of protectiveness erupted all over my chest, unable to comprehend how everyone was fucking hurting her in some way.

"Can you leave," The words scraped out of Emma's throat, directed at Vivian and still unaware of my presence, that's how much wrapped up she was in whatever this is, "Please, leave," She added, her words held an edge as she stressed on each letter.

"What's going on here?" I asked, unable to contain my harsh tone and my eyes focused only on Vivian. Her gaze flickered to me and she got up to her feet, ready to oblige to Emma's words and walk away. The fact that she was a woman I grew up having around the house since I was a kid was the only thing that stopped me from lashing out at her, demanding an answer explaining whatever she said to Emma that had her look so weak and vulnerable now.

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