Chapter 15 - You're mine and I am yours

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"In a fight, they're lethal,
Around each other, they melt."


Nikolas's POV

Shock swirled in the blue of his eyes, confusion at my realization and a lick of fear flashed across his face as he backed away from the table, letting the picture go. His whole being vibrated with negative energy as he faced me, his hand slowly going to the back of his pants, ready for an attack, "How did you know?" He questioned.

"It wasn't that hard," I said. Truth be told, if it wasn't for Natalie and the whole search for who the brother is, I would've not figured it out as easily. He was able to erase his whole existence, which now makes more sense, it's what the Hex does.

He shook his head in bewilderment; something seemed to snap all the logic from his mind as he reached for his gun and aimed it forward, gritting his teeth as he asked, "Why are you so keen on learning about my mother, what do you want?"

I sighed, "Don't be stupid and put that gun down," I urged, taking a step forward, not once threatened by the weapon aimed at me.

He shook his head again; me learning his hidden truth not settling very well with him, "No, no, I hid this for years, no one was supposed to know, I did everything so no one could ever know, but how did you, for god's sake?" His voice raised, unable to grasp the situation.

His eyes narrowed at me, doubting and accusing, "And all of a sudden, you are interested in my mother's death, what the hell do you want, Nikolas?"

I really wanted to punch him at the moment, but I held myself back. Control Nikolas, control, or else you will have to explain to Natalie how you killed her twin brother.

"You want revenge, don't you?" I asked, "That's why you got into the Hex, it was your guaranteed ticket in," I added, realizing his motives. How desperate he had to be to go through all the torture they force on their members? Very desperate, I can see.

"I waited, for so many years, I fucking waited, for this moment," He looked around him, "To get inside this damn house," Hurt bled through the anger in his eyes, they darkened as he shook his head, "I am not gonna let anyone stop me, not even you, Nikolas. I didn't do everything, I didn't lose everything...just to be stopped now!"

Lose everything...his sister and father. He left them behind, he left everything behind just so he can get into our world, he went through the Hex's program, he waited and waited, just to get closer to this family, to the Armone's...his family in a way. He really took the whole revenge-is-a-dish-best-served-cold to a whole new level.

I took another step forward, till the gun's barrel collided with my chest, my gaze calculating, studying him and his entire plan. The urge to slam his head into a wall only intensified when I remembered Natalie's tears when she talked about him and how he left her to deal with the outcome of the accident, all on her own.

"This is your last warning," My jaw ticked, "Put the gun down."

I never noticed him up close, didn't have a reason to. He always looked composed, he did his job right, I didn't need to question more. But now, as I looked into his eyes, I could clearly see how a big part of his soul had been lost to the darkness. I am pretty sure Natalie won't recognize him. I don't think he is the same brother she once knew.

She said, for her, he died right after the accident, and I think that's partially true. The Ronald she knew is dead, and in his place, there is a man who is consumed by anger and vengeance. The wild fury in his eyes is saying that and more, it's recognizable and familiar, because I've seen that same look in the mirror before.

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