Chapter 62 - Selfless Love - Part I

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"You never thought you'd get this attached, did you?"


One month Later...

Nikolas's POV

I was enveloped in a calm state of serenity, my mind almost at ease and my body relaxed, until just two seconds ago.

Why, you might ask.

The isolated sanctuary I'd created for myself, away from everyone, was fractured as low chattering sounds reverberated from outside my house, accompanied by the unmistakable clinking of keys—I could have sworn that I had confiscated my keys from him, so, how in god's name did he manage to get them back again?

The muscles of my jaw worked as I heard the main door open and footsteps echoed close, someone walking into my house like he fucking owned it.

Summoning all of my willpower, I sucked in a deep breath, trying to keep calm. There was no need to disturb my peace of mind with him and his antics. I am calm.

My gaze drifted from the TV's screen to my lap, where Nachos lay peacefully asleep, blissfully unaware of the impending disturbance.

His eyes blinked open as the unwelcome guests approached, and he rose to his little four paws, stretching his body before affectionately nuzzling beneath my chin. With a gentle leap, he climbed up my chest, reaching my shoulder and curling into a snug ball by the crook of my neck. He's gotten much bigger lately but somehow he still fits there.

Drawing closer, I pressed a tender kiss to the top of his furry orangy head.

"Jesus Christ," Alex's startled mumble broke the peaceful silence, causing me to lift my gaze. He stood in the doorway, gaping at me with slightly terrified eyes. Right next to him, Ronald took a pause, lines creasing his forehead as his eyes fell on me.

Calm...I will stay calm. Fucking calm.

Ignoring the two unwelcomed guests, I averted my gaze back to the TV, trying to focus all of my senses only on it and nothing else —But when did I ever get what I wanted in this life?

Alex walked closer, standing right across from me and obstructing my view, he said something but I had already clogged my ears, prohibiting them from listening to his voice. Tilting my head to the side, I tried to resume watching the football match.

Groaning in annoyance, Alex picked up the remote and turned the TV off, not used to being ignored.

He discarded it away and out of my reach before sitting on the center table right across from me, crowding my personal space in ways I despised. He gave me a knowing challenging look, his eyebrow raising before his eyes flickered all over me and lines etched his forehead, his eyebrows pulled closer, "God, look at you," He said in a very dissatisfied tone, "When was the last time you took a shower?" He added and I kept glaring at him, "Or even shaved? Or cut your hair?" He said, carrying on insulting me before his gaze flickered further down my body, "And since when do you wear shorts?"

Confusion tightened the lines between his eyebrows and he tilted his head, "I think this is the first time I am actually seeing your legs," Amused, his eyes met mine again and he nodded approvingly, "Wow."

And no, he wasn't done yet.

"You look so miserable," He added.

God, I was okay; why was he here, now? What does he want from me?

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