Chapter 21 - Sister-Kisser

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"Your hands are scarred from murder, yet I trust them completely."


Natalie's POV


I must've heard her wrong or maybe it's another Nikolas we are talking about here...Maybe she misunderstood me or maybe I did. Maybe I am in the wrong apartment. doesn't make any sense. He was with me last night, he said he liked me, he asked me to be his girlfriend.

He spent half of the day with me, he went with me to see my dad, we were going to dinner tonight as a...couple.

I extended the phone forward, "Give him this when he comes back," I mumbled, my tone neutral, the total opposite of the war raging in my brain. I was still trying to understand and adjust to this, because the Nikolas I know wouldn't possibly go and do something like that.

But true, I only know parts of him, who am I kidding?

She took the phone from my grip, her eyes drifting back to me, "Who should I tell him?"

For a second there, I just looked at her, taking her features in, her brown eyes, her tanned skin, and the hint of accent in her voice that proved she wasn't from around here. My brain started working, analyzing and reading more into this than what's on the surface. For god's sake, the girl looked barely eighteen or nineteen years old. Even if I don't know him that well, Nikolas wouldn't do this just for the heck of it. The man suffered while he was asking me to be his girlfriend, let alone go and get engaged that easily.

There is something bigger here, there is always more to him than meets the eye. But still, no matter what the purpose of this is, he didn't inform me about it and I wanna smash his head so bad right now.

My jaw clenched, angry at him beyond measures. Refusing to answer her question, I just shook my head, "Not important," I mumbled, "Have a nice day," I added before I turned around and walked away, feeling her confused gaze follow me till I reached the elevator.

I tried to contain my anger and the hint of disappointment that flared in my chest. He will drop by my house at night anyway; I will be waiting, and let's see how Mr. grumpy will explain this.


Nikolas's POV

My gaze traveled from the untouched food on the nightstand to Emma, sitting over the bed and going through her phone, totally unaware of my presence. Her face expressionless, and her eyes less alive than the day before. Roman told me, she is less reactive today, which I think is even worse.

I made my presence known by the light knock on the opened door. Her eyes flickered from the phone and fell on me, "Hey," I said, stepping forward. She gave me a small nod and placed her phone away, giving me her full attention as I sat down by her side on the bed's edge.

I didn't want to ask how she's doing because that would be too stupid to mention at this moment, so I drifted the conversation somewhere else, "When are you going back to London?"

"Tonight," She answered.

"I am gonna take care of a few things here," I said, "Then, I will follow you."

She shook her head, "You don't need to," She mumbled, "I just want to be far away from where Isaac is," She added, her jaw ticking, "If I see him, I might lose it and I can't afford to do that now."

I nodded, understanding, if it wasn't for me losing it the other day, she might still be pregnant now. A low breath escaped my lips as I rested my back against the headboard, my eyelids dropping down for a mere second, sorting through my many thoughts till I felt the side of her head rest over my arm. On instinct, my arm went around her shoulder, letting her lean into me for the second time.

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