Chapter 63 - Five Months & Five Days

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It's a very long chapter; so, happy reading ;)


Five months Later...

Natalie's POV

Today is a good day.

Well, kind of.

Well, not exactly really that good—

I mean, it's...

You know what, it's a good day. I am learning to be thankful for the little things, considering I have nothing else to be grateful for but those damnded little tiny things.

Little things —like the fact that this is my first time dining outside the house, in a very nice restaurant by the way, since almost six months ago.

Another tiny little thing, I am wearing a cute dress. A really cute summer dress that I got on sale at a very convenient price last year but couldn't get the chance to wear up till now.

It's white, reaching right above my knees, and it has this delicate, flowing silhouette, made from a lightweight fabric that keeps moving with every gentle summer breeze. Not to mention, its sweetheart neckline is giving the illusion that my moderately sized girlies —as I like to refer to them, are somehow a size bigger than they actually are. So, win-win.

Another little thing I could be thankful for, is that I actually applied some makeup on my face. I couldn't remember the last time I used a beauty product or pampered myself, but today, I did.

One more thing to be grateful for; I received an email this morning, from one of the hundreds of thousands of different companies, hospitals, and organizations I've been applying for, stating that they want to have a job interview with me tomorrow.

Oh, I didn't mention it, right...So, I am kind of unemployed. Well, not kind of; I have been fully-a-hundered-percent unemployed for the past three months.

Yeah, awesome, right?

And no, they didn't kick me out. I expected them to, but they didn't for some reason. I resigned. I already hated that job, already felt like a fraud at it, adding to my wavering mental health after losing Nathan and another someone I decided not to mention his name ever again, I quit, aiming for a fresh start, and have been using up all of my savings since then.

Anyway, back to being thankful for the little things.

Those damned little things.

Well...I think they're over.

So yeah, those were my little things.

Now, back to the present; where my little things are slipping right in between my fingers.

I kept glaring at my car, my useless stupid car that decided to break down just as the nice valet man was about to take and park it away. Frustration welled up in me all over again, thinking about how much fixing this damn thing will cost me. Unable to keep my frustration in, I edged closer and harshly kicked one of its wheels, "Take that!" I lowly hissed at the stupid excuse of metal and engine.

I looked down at my cute sandals and let out a suppressed groan before I stomped on my feet. noticing how kicking the stupid dirty wheel left little black marks on its white edges.

Today is a ba...

Breathe in, Nate, and breathe out. Today is a good day.

See, meditation is helping with my growing anger, stress, and anxiety. It's keeping me in control of my own thoughts. I call this an improvement.

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