Chapter 38 - The holy grail

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There is small sexual content in the chapter (Not too graphic and not too long, but I think it's better to write warnings beforehand) so babies close your eyes. And Non-babies, happy reading ;) , *sends you each a boyfriend or a vibrator, you pick*


"Holy grail - noun, an object or goal that is sought after for its great significance."


Nikolas's POV

My gaze was entirely focused on the file held tight in my hand -the one Liam had given me the day before. The one I hadn't mustered the courage to look at yet. I tried convincing myself that I was rather occupied by Natalie's presence to have time and discover its content. Whatever the reason was, I knew it held something from her in it, and one way or another I have to open it eventually.

I clasped it open and emptied its content in my lap, two envelopes fell at first. Lines etched my forehead as I gave each of them a look, one had my name written on it, while the other spelled Alex's name. Her handwriting. I knew it by heart.

The envelopes were sealed shut. A letter for each of us, I supposed. I tucked Alex's one away, planning to give it to him when I land. I held the one that held my name, my fingers tight around the paper edges, staring at it for way too long, contemplating whether I should open it or not -I chose the latter.

I am just starting to gather myself after the tragedy that befell me, I am in no way equipped to read her words and break down all over again. To finish what I am starting, I need my brain to be hundred percent into the game. I can't afford to fail this time. I tucked mine away as well, placing it beside Alex's. Everything has a time and now is not the time for me to fall weak.

Other than the envelopes, there were many papers stacked inside the file, I gave them a quick look, noticing how they were various information about Isaac and his previous whereabouts, ones it seems she had gathered over the years. I took a mental note to analyze them more thoroughly later on, maybe I can find something that could come in handy as I destroy him.

My eyebrows pulled closer as I looked again inside the file, I could still feel something else resting at the bottom of it. I pushed my hand inside, wrapping my fingers around the small little thing, and pulled it out.

I opened my hand and stared at the diamond ring now resting in my palm.

It looked familiar. I suddenly felt a weird burn in my throat, I tried to swallow past it as my mind took me back down that memory lane.


My legs swayed as I dangled them from over the bed, my head resting inside my palms as I watched her, sitting across from the mirror and applying something over her face. I didn't know what it was, but it covered the purple bruise very well, and it made her look even prettier somehow.

She met my eyes through the mirror and gave me a wink. I immediately smiled, "What are you thinking about?" She asked, her eyebrow raising at my immense concentration.

I pushed myself off the bed's edge, came down to my feet, and walked closer to her side. I rested my hands over the chair she was sitting on, "You're pretty," I said what was on my mind.

Her grin grew wider, and she turned her face to look closely at me, "It's those beautiful eyes of yours that see everything pretty," she said, softly as she rested her hand over my cheek, gently caressing it.

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