Chapter 25 - Weapons don't weep

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"You're a weapon and weapons don't weep."


Nikolas's POV

"Yes, and to that we are forever grateful, right Matteo?" Mia said, nudging her bodyguard slash boyfriend with her elbow, asking him to suck it up.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at his whining before I handed him the envelope, "Everything you need is here, new IDs, passports," I explained, "The jet will take you to a town, far away from here, where no one would ever think to look for you. I have someone there to pick you up and get you settled down," I added, I had everything taken care of, "You never step a foot in London again, and you'll be doing us both a favor."

"It's the last thing I want to do anyway," Matteo mumbled, more to himself, proving to me I am kind of doing the right thing.

Mia whispered something before she let go of his hand and stepped forward, facing me. Her boyfriend took a couple of steps backward, leaving us to speak alone per her request. He leaned his back against the car and crossed his arms over his chest, his narrowed gaze focused on me, waiting for one wrong move so he could attack. My eyebrow raised at his defensive state, he huffed out a very bothered breath in return and looked away. I should've just killed him.

"I will never be able to repay you back for all of this," Mia said, grabbing my attention back to her. Her voice was so low and her hand kept fidgeting with the hem of her coat, still so nervous to be speaking with me.

I shook my head, "It's nothing," I said, not comfortable with the whole thank-you and you're-welcome part of it, "In the end, we are both benefiting from this."

I didn't want to fool myself, as if one right move could ever erase a wrong one I've committed before. If only.

She shrugged, "Still, you could've really killed me to get what you want, I am nothing to you, but you didn't," She shook her head, gratitude shone in her dark brown eyes, "You are giving me a way out of this, which is all I ever dreamed of," Emotions tightened her voice and I was hoping she won't cry or something, I would just run away and let her boyfriend deal with that.

"You kind of saved me, saved us both," She added over a low whisper and I would be stupid not to understand the meaning behind those words, not when she rested her hand over her stomach, ever so lightly.

My eyes grew wide the slightest as they shot up to hers, a bit taken aback by the information, "I...uh, I didn't know," I mumbled, "If I knew, I would've never had them drag you out like that," It had to be believable though. Isaac has half of my men working for him, it's how he knows everything, how he has eyes everywhere. It took me a long time to know who is actually loyal to me and who isn't. But for now, I will play along, using it to my advantage and feed him lies, but once I am done, they all will pay for their infidelity.

I might be a hypocrite but I don't care. I might deceive and lie throughout the day, through every part of this messed up life of mine but one thing I can't take is this; to be tricked, to be lied to and deceived by someone I considered part of my team. To be taken as a fool and stabbed in the back.

It's why the need to get rid of Ronald keeps pushing up against my head. He must thank his sister, the fact that they share blood is the only one holding me back from spilling his blood.

But I won't let it hold me back from doing other colorful things.

Mia shook her head, smiling genuinely, "They didn't hurt me," She assured me and I nodded, "At least by this," Her gaze flickered to the jet, pointing out the whole escape plan, "I can be sure my father would never be able to hurt this child," The light dimmed in her eyes as she spoke further, "I can't even begin to imagine...what he would've done if he got to know about this baby and..."

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