Chapter 23 - Us against the world

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"I was dying to hear someone say that I didn't need to try so hard to be perfect, that I was enough and it was okay. "


Nikolas's POV

Shock and anger swirled in my chest at the news and his insistence to hide it from me. Their voices faded away for a second or two as I tried to grasp this new fact, my mind going around in a loop, coming to terms with how this affects different aspects of my life.

Isaac...he is keeping the kid away from everyone. Why?

And Natalie, her baby brother is alive and she has no clue.

"How did you know?" Ronald's voice broke through my many thoughts, shaking me back to the present, my eyes drifting up to his face, to the confusion radiating off his eyes in waves, "How do you know his name?"

The shock faded away, leaving me with an immense rage, it pushed me forward, my mind blanking out, it short-circuited, failing to think logically. My hand landed on Alex's arm, pushing him out of my way as I reached for Ronald. My fingers wrapped over his collar, pulling him closer before my other hand collided with his face, the force of my punch pushing him, and he stumbled backward. I wasn't done yet. I pulled my gun out, my fingers reached for him again and I slammed his back against the wall as I pressed the gun's barrel under his chin, forcing his head up.

"You lied to me," I grated out, seething at the fact and I pressed the gun further up against his skin. I saw his throat bobbing, his gaze on mine, still not wavering, he had a nerve alright, "I can accept anything but not this," I grated out again, my jaw ticking, desperately wishing I can just end his life.

I wanted nothing more than to kill him at the spot for playing me the fool.

"Of course I lied, I don't trust you," He said back, not caring to hide the disgust in his tone.

The rage was slowly being depleted from my body, leaving me with a sadistic feeling I haven't had in so long. His careless words had one side of my lips pulling up, taunting him, "You shouldn't," I simply said, "You think I wouldn't just go to Joseph and tell him exactly who you are," I threatened, serious and his eyes grew wide, he fought my tight grip over him, his eyes firing up, "If you dare-"

"Then what?" I asked, interrupting him, my eyebrow raising, "What would you do?" I questioned, mocking him, "Go and ask help from Isaac?" I just wanted to trigger him, to have more reasons so I can shoot him without feeling guilty about it, "Just like mommy did before you?"

His eyes grew wider at my mocking tone, "You son of a bitch," He shot out, his voice bellowing all over the room as his hands came up, trying to push me away but I was done playing games. I pinned his shoulders down with my arm, my gun never leaving his skin, itching to just pull the damn trigger, "Go and do that," I urged, inching my face closer to him, making sure my words were just for him to hear, "Go to Isaac, Ronald," I warned, "And I promise, I will ruin everyone you know," I hissed out, my eyes on his, "Not just Nathan," I shook my head and he was buying it, "Not just your brother, but your father and twin sister too."

My words served their purpose and he groaned out, a scream as he lost all of his temper and he struggled out of my grip, pushing himself and he pulled his gun out. Without any hesitation, he pointed it at me, "You think I am scared of you," He shot out, the white of his eyes turning red, his blue eyes darkening to the point they were unrecognizable anymore, "Nothing scares me, Nikolas," He grated out through clenched teeth, and he shook his head, furious, "You are in no position to threaten me," He added.

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