Chapter 55 - It wasn't your pain to avenge

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"It was only then that she realized that even the purest of us could do horrible things sometimes."


Nikolas's POV

"Why are you sad?"

Nathan's soft voice jolted me from my reverie. I felt like the only survivor emerging from a detonation's deafening roar. I felt as though I were struggling to free myself from the wreckage of a catastrophic explosion, the cacophony still ringing loud in my ears. It felt as though I was fighting my way out of the rubles, clawing my way to the surface, yet an invisible force seemed determined to pull me back into the heart of the devastation, trapping me further into this ear-shattering vortex.

I sucked into a deep breath, trying to find oxygen within the suffocating smoke of betrayal surrounding me. My gaze fell on the little kid, standing across from me, his eyes innocent and big, his head tilted to the side as he gazed upon me, trying to understand the force that crushed me like this.

I shook my head, "It's nothing," It was everything.

Reaching out my hand toward him, I whispered, "Come here," and without a moment's hesitation, he moved closer, his small hand slipping into mine as I gently guided him towards the couch where I sat.

My gaze roamed across his youthful features. His skin was a pristine shade of pale, untouched by the sun's rays. His hazel eyes shone with a gentle light, framed by long, dark lashes. His hair, a soft shade of brown, was a mix of tousled strands atop his head, with a few escaping to gently caress his forehead.

I brought my hand to his face, my finger gently caressing the top of his cheek, "Do you remember what you told me before," I started to speak, "About the...dangerous people who want to hurt you," I asked and he nodded his head, so clueless that in my eyes those dangerous people are composed of one man only. The one he refers to as father. Isaac.

"Well, I think they know where you are now," The words scratched at my throat, the revelation of what Na...of what she did and is doing prompted me to take this necessary measure. I'd care less if Isaac figured out the bunker's location, but if he did, it means he would soon figure that I was hiding Nathan just next to it. I can't risk that.

A glimmer of fear flickered in his eyes, and I gently shook my head, assuring him, "Just as I promised, I will not let anyone harm you," I spoke softly, "That's why I need to get you out of here."

He whispered, his voice trembling, "Where will I go?" The worry etched deeper lines between his brows.

"Somewhere safe," I replied, my hands resting on his small shoulders. "Ronald and Jeremy will take you there. You know them and you trust them." I added in assurance, as I couldn't entirely depend on my own men alone to take care of this. I trusted no one, but I can at least rely on Ronald to keep his own brother safe.

His frown deepened, and he slumped his shoulders, a mere whisper escaping his lips, "And what about you?"

I nodded, trying to comfort him, "I'll be with you, but I have some things to take care of first," I explained, I have an impending war to prepare for, I have to take care of the can of warm Natalie opened on us, "But tomorrow, the first thing I'll do is come to you, okay?"

My words failed to completely ease his fears; his uncertainty lingered, and a tearful vulnerability welled up in his eyes, a rawness no child should ever have to experience.

I gave his little shoulders a small squeeze, "Nathan, do you trust me?"

His eyes were on my face and he nodded his head, "Yes," He said, believing in me and that alone was another weight on my shoulders; I needed to keep him safe no matter what.

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