Chapter 9 - You need to let someone in

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"The most bitter of tastes is that hint of a life you could have lived, if only-"


Natalie's POV

There was something odd going on.

A sudden tension enveloped the atmosphere after we got back, but I couldn't pinpoint its source exactly.

To be honest, I felt like it happened right after I told Nikolas about my mom, or maybe after he saw the picture brother. I just couldn't understand if the sudden change in his mood was by any way related to me.

I shook my head, dismissing the thought. I am probably just reading too much into this.

For the umpteenth time, my gaze drifted to both Nikolas and Alex discussing something in the other room, they both looked way too serious, which was beyond odd, considering Alex was never serious for even a moment since I met him this morning.

They really are two very different people. I couldn't even grasp the fact that they're related, brothers even, or by any chance grew up in the same house and under the same conditions.

Hold on. Maybe that's it...they probably didn't.

It all adds up actually.

The curious psychologist that never just leave me be, started analyzing again. There was a bigger hidden story here that I just wish to know; Alex is another missing piece in Nikolas's messed up puzzle that I am trying so hard to arrange, desperately hoping to obtain the final image one day.

I will, I will definitely figure it out somehow, someway.

I wiped my hands and headed toward where they were standing, Nikolas's back was to me and when I got closer, Alex's eyes fell on me and he stopped talking almost immediately. I offered them a polite smile, "Dinner is ready," I said, grabbing Nikolas's attention to me as well.

Whatever conversation they seemed to have stopped right there and Alex moved, "You guys have a nice dinner, I am gonna head out now," He said and I frowned, "Really?" I asked, "But I made enough food for the three of us."

"Well, you can leave me some for tomorrow," He said and gave me a wink before he checked his watch, "I should go, the missus is waiting."

I nodded, "You will come back again, right?" I asked. I have a feeling he can give me more information than Nikolas did over the past two months.

"Of course," He gave me a knowing look, "Tomorrow morning you'll wake up with me here as well."

A low sigh parted Nikolas's mouth and he shook his head, "I am so changing the door's lock."

Alex shrugged, "I will still get the keys, don't worry," he added and casually tapped on Nikolas's shoulder.

His eyes drifted to me and a genuine smile curved his lips, "Natalie, it was nice to finally meet you," He said and I returned the smile, "If I wasn't scared that Nikolas is gonna finally punch me or something, I would've hugged you right now," I chuckled at his words and Nikolas facepalmed, on the edge of losing all of his calm once again.

I doubted he'd do anything though. I had a feeling that Alex is the only one Nikolas allows to trigger him as much.

"It was nice meeting you as well," I said, enjoying the banter these two brothers got going on.

He gave me a wink and headed out, dragging Nikolas along with him, they briefly talked about something by the door before he left, "Bye, Natalie."

"Bye!" I said with a wave and when a not-so-happy Nikolas came back, I couldn't help but ask, "So, are you like a hundred percent sure he's your brother?"

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