Chapter 35 - Keep fighting

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"I survived only because the fire within me burned brighter than the fire around me."


Alex's POV

Daylight blazed through the edges of the window blind, shaking me out of my somewhat peaceful sleep. Groaning, I tried to roll over to my back, opening my eyes in an attempt to blink away the heavy sleep.

I winced as the brightness of the day welcomed me and immediately covered my face with the blanket. The pain throbbing against my skull reminded me exactly why I shouldn't drink as much again. All because of stupid Nikolas...

Speaking of the devil, where is he? I lowered the blanket and rubbed at my eyes, finally adjusting my eyesight, my hazy gaze studying my surroundings and slowly recalling back the events of last night.

Something felt odd though. I moved my head over what I thought was a pillow and my gaze slowly flickered up. My eyes widened and I instantly shot up from my laying position. My sudden movement shook her awake as well, her head that was uncomfortably pressed to the couch's cushion moved and she blinked her eyes open, meeting my shocked horrified ones.

The hell...

"I've done pretty weird things while drunk," I mumbled, gulping down as I stared at her, "But this is by far the weirdest."

I would've much rather woken up beside some girl I don't know. Hell, I would've rather woken up by Nikolas's side and not hers...

She rubbed at her eyes and I tried to remember how in the hell did I end up fast asleep with my head in her lap. That's it; I am never ever drinking again. NEVER.

Flashes from the night before started to come back to me, in bits and pieces. I groaned loudly, disappointed in how I allowed myself to be in such close proximity to her. My eyes pressed shut and I rushed a hand over my face, it went over the top of my head and tightly grabbed into the strands of my hair, silently wishing that when I open my eyes again, she would just disappear from here and I won't have to make up a conversation with her.

Random words and disoriented sentences echoed in my head, a very hazy memory bringing itself to the forefront of my brain. My eyebrows pulled closer and I faced her again, trying to place those words somewhere but failed. She stared back at me, her throat heavily bobbing, just as anxious as I am probably. She looked at the door leading her outside the living room, then back at me, contemplating her chances to escape before we start fighting, well mostly me snapping and calling her names.

I was too exhausted anyway, I had no energy left in me to overreact and start arguing with her. So, I crashed into the couch, my back sinking into the cushions as I let out a loud tired breath. I rubbed at my temples, trying to ease my pain as more memories came flooding, only confusing me more.

I turned my head to the side when she didn't move, observing her and trying to comprehend if those memories were real or a figment of my imagination. She had her eyes pressed shut, rubbing her hand over her neck, slightly wincing at the ache. My eyebrows pulled closer, "Did you stay here all night?" The words left my mouth before I could even stop them.

Her eyes opened up, startled by my question. She straightened herself and gave me a small nod, "Uh, yeah," She tucked her hair behind her ear and involuntarily my eyes followed; Nik was right, we do have the same hair color, although I am pretty sure she had dyed hers how many times by now, how old is she anyway?

Look at me throwing shade at the old woman...

My eyebrows pulled closer as I studied her features some more. I don't think I ever had the chance to before. She didn't look that old, to be honest, not young either of course. I bet she just looked younger than her real age. I would be blind to call her ugly, because she was the total opposite of that word. I sighed and resisted the urge to roll my eyes, the source of my good genes ladies and gentlemen.

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