Chapter 27 - Big boss mafia

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"Wasn't that the definition of home? not where you are from, but where you are wanted.

But, what if...what if you're no longer wanted anymore?"


Nikolas's POV

My eyes were only on her, studying her expression, her body language, and embracing myself for the worst. She blinked, the shock wrapped up with the bitter realization as she gazed at him, her lips parted, out of words, and in a span of a second only, all of that faded away and was replaced with utter disbelief and anger.

"Natalie," Ronald breathed out, still very much in shock to make sense of the situation.

His voice fired her up more, the blue of her eyes darkened, the bag in her hand fell to the floor as she angrily marched forward and without uttering a single word, her hand went and harshly collided with his face, the slap resonating with an echo into the silent house. My eyes slightly grew wider, not expecting this much hostility from her side. Alex's mouth dropped open, "What the-," He mumbled, gaping at the scene that played ahead of us, so unaware of the facts behind it.

Natalie didn't say a thing, but she was panting, her rage sucking all the oxygen away from her lungs and I wanted nothing more than to step forward and take her away from here, away from him, shield her from the truth that is her family and whatever connection they have to my messed up life.

A stuttered breath tore up her throat, her rage eluding her of any control as she brought her hands and fisted them over his shirt, "You..." She grated out, and her lower lip trembled, giving me more reasons to just kill him already, "You..." She couldn't form words, her anger so much more intense than her pain as a soft groan parted her lips and she punched his chest with her small fist, trying to push him away as she drank into the feedback of his presence.

I moved forward, unable to witness her get hurt over this more, my hand going to her arm and gently pulling her away from him and into my embrace. Ronald's eyes flickered from her to my hold over her arm and his jaw ticked, understanding as his wild eyes shot to mine, "You son of a bitch," He grated out through clenched teeth before he marched forward, his hand going around Natalie's arm and harshly pulled her away from me before he grabbed at the lapels of my jacket and pushed me backward into the wall.

I stopped his lame attempt, my fingers squeezing at his flesh as I removed them away from over me; he is really making me lose my patience now, "What the hell do you think you are doing, Nikolas?" He snapped, his voice bellowed, slamming into the four walls, the white of his eyes was practically red with all of his anger, the nerves over his neck popping out due to his exasperation for what happened first with Nathan and now with Natalie, "What do you want from her?!"

With my tight grip over his wrists, I twisted them down, wanting him to feel whatever pain he made her feel multiplied by a thousand. My other hand went to his collar, pulling him closer, "The only reason you are alive still is her," I hissed in his face, my nose almost touching his as I warned him one last time, "Don't make me change that now."

Bewildered by everything, he was past making sense of anything, a loud groan rumbled from his chest and he used all of his power, every trick he learned at the HEX as he bent down, slamming me in the stomach with his shoulder, furiously pushing me away, gaining that step over me and breaking free before he pulled his gun out, aiming and firing without thinking twice.

Even when he was trained for years on how to do this, on how to get himself out of these situations as the winner. Even when I wasn't trained like them by professionals, even when I am the one who taught myself what I know, I was still better than them, still faster, my brain operated more rapidly than theirs. My reflexes, the one controlled by the instinct to defend and survive in a world like this, they expected him to make such a dirty move, and the second he was about to fire, my hand circled over his arm, twisting it away making the bullet hit the wall, one millimeter away from my head only.

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