Chapter 44 - You make my world spin

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"This was the boy I loved, A little bit messy, a little bit ruined. A beautiful disaster. Just like me."


Natalie's POV

It's been a while since I woke up with a hangover rocking my head into oblivion.

It's been so long since I last got myself so wasted, but with the joke that has become my life, no one can blame me. I've been keeping so much inside, it was bound to come out and explode in one way or another.

I pressed my eyes tighter trying to wish this headache into nothingness, not quite ready to open my eyes and face another day. Oh god, what time is it even? I need to get up and go to work, I have so many appointments booked for the day.

A low moan of annoyance and pain vibrated off me and I glided my eyelids open, forcing myself awake only to be jolted back to reality faster than expected. Every nerve in my brain lightened up due to the scene presented ahead of me. I was definitely not prepared for this, nor did I remember how or when did it happen. My eyes grew a bit wide when they were directly met with Nikolas's face. My arm was thrown around his neck, his is lazily wrapped around my waist, our bodies plastered against one another. Our faces are so close, resting on the same pillow even.

He was fast asleep. Calm and soundless.

A few flashes of the night before rushed to the forefront of my brain and I wanted to groan out loud and scream at myself. Jesus Christ. How did I end up here?

I gulped down as my eyes flickered all over his peaceful face. His eyes were closed, the shadow of his eyelashes dark on his cheekbones and his lips were within a breath of mine. His soft dark hair was a beautiful mess over his head, a few strands brushing down over his forehead, asking me to push them away. I gulped down again, shaking myself back before I take it a notch too far and I started to plan my getaway.

My gaze drifted around me, around his room then down to his arm and the second I tried to make my escape, edging slightly backward, his arm moved, his palm instinctively pressing over my lower back and pulling me back. My eyes flickered up and watched as his own gradually fluttered open. They dropped down once and he lazily pried them open again, the hazy shade of green meeting mine. Ugh; I barely moved, why does he have to be such a light sleeper?

My jaw tightened and the urge to run away without having to talk with him and discuss last night intensified. Without uttering a single word, I pulled myself away, forcefully removing his arm from around me and I steadied myself on two feet by the bed's side. Another memory from last night flashed behind my eyes, one where I was taking off my clothes...oh god.

Panic rose in my chest and I immediately looked down at myself, I was still wearing my PJs by some god's miracle. My anxious gaze went to Nikolas, checking if he was fully clothed or not. He was still in one of his dress shirts, the buttons were undone though and I prayed to god that under that blanket he is wearing a pant.

"We...we," I could feel the hotness creep under my skin as I stuttered, my eyes meeting his, "We didn't have uh..."

His eyebrow raised and even though he understood me, he decided to play games now as he straightened his upper body up, "Have what?"

The bit of tease in his tone made me want to hurl something at his face, "We didn't have," I said and tucked a loosened strand of my hair behind my ear, "Right?"

Nikolas's lips twitched at my anxiousness, "You were drunk."

"That doesn't answer my question!" I pointed out. Oh god, oh god...At least I am not feeling sore or anything. I don't think we did it. Oh man, I am never drinking ever again!

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