Chapter 34 - The Crystal ball

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"When you are not fed love on a silver spoon, you learn to lick it off knives."


Alex's POV

"Hello?" I said, my tone questioning at the unknown number calling me at this hour as I leaned my back against the car, my eyes focused on the bar across the road from me, my gaze studying the interior and searching for someone in specific as I gazed through from the ceiling-length glass window.

No answer came from the other line, but I could distinctly hear someone suck into a deep breath, hesitant or maybe playing a game on me. Having no time for this bullshit, I almost hung up at the lack of answer but right then, a specific voice mumbled a low, "Alex."

My jaw tightened, my eyes pressed shut immediately, and a harsh breath pushed its way out of my chest; where the hell did she even get my number from? Does she ever give up?

"What do you want?" I asked, rather harshly but I didn't care. She should be grateful I didn't shut the call the second I heard her annoying voice.

My eyes caught a glimpse of Nikolas inside, my head tilted as I tried to get a better look, preparing myself for whatever is going to welcome me once I walk in there, but his body language gave me nothing. The total opposite actually, his back seemed relaxed now as he sat on the stool across the bar, a drink wrapped between his fingers, he brought it up and drank down the whole thing at once. My gaze left him and wandered around, noticing how the bar was almost empty, just a few people here and there.

"Please don't hang up, I just want to ask one thing from you," She said, and I almost forgot she was on the other line. Her tone was soft for some reason, but at least she is fully aware of my intentions and utter distaste toward her. I kept silent, rolling my eyes, ushering her to carry on using the minimal word count possible, "I know you and Nik fought, it was mainly because of me, but please, he is not okay at all, he left the house this late and I don't know where he went," Well, I know exactly where he is, "And I am just so worried, I know that you've got your differences now, but please Alex...your brother, he...he needs you."

Oh, such a sweet mother she is, trying to make amends between us. Mother of the year award must be granted to her immediately. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes again. This woman is capable of pushing all of my buttons at once. She makes me harsh, mean, and bitter...things that aren't a big part of who I am, but she...oh, she is special in that sense, she brings out the worst in me. I don't think I ever hated anyone as much as I do her.

She took my silence as a refusal to her request, because she kept on talking, as if I have time for her, "If it's because of my presence, I promise I will stay out of your way whenever you come here, I promise, I won't bother you ever again," Her voice was choked, tight with so many emotions and I could clearly imagine her fake tears scrolling through as she spoke, playing the victim and appointing me as the predator, attacking her as if I don't have every right to treat her the way I do.

She sniffled, kicking herself in, and adding more words, "It's just...Isaac, he really has a talent for breaking people down, and I am so worried about what Nik could do next, I just don't want him to be alone at all, it's enough that it's his birthday and all of this is happening to him," Something akin to anger raged into her tone as she added, "They just can't let him catch a break, can they-"

His birthday?

The bit of fury cleared out from her voice, sucking into a deep breath as she ended it with, "I didn't know who else to ask this from, but you mean the world to him, and only you can help him, Alex."

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