Chapter 40 - Unwanted memories

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"Bad memories are like splinters. Sometimes painful, but you learn to live with them. The problem is, they always work their way to the surface eventually."


Nikolas's POV

Do I like having Natalie back in my house? Yes, of course.

Do I like that she is ignoring me? Not really.

Do I like that her stupid cat never leaves my side? Fucking hell no.

I glared at the thing as it snuggled closer to me, laying its little furry head over my lap before she fell fast asleep. I rolled my eyes and resisted the urge to open the door and throw her outside, maybe then Natalie would just talk to me, shout at me and stop pretending that I don't exist.

The low creaking sound of a door grabbed my attention away from the little monster, my eyes flickering to the other end of the hallway, the mirror positioned on the wall reflected the scene from across, giving me a slight view of the guest room. Natalie popped her head out, her gaze drifting left and right, checking if I was near before she'd decide whether it was safe to step out or not.

Sensing her hesitation, I found myself speaking, "You can come out, I don't bite," My voice startled her. Her wide eyes flickered around, meeting mine through the mirror before she stepped out of the room. With hesitant footsteps, she inched closer till she fully came into view.

Her eyes fell on me, then drifted to her little monster sleeping and all plastered to my side, "Uh, I was just looking for her," She mumbled, addressing the cat. She tucked her hair behind her ear, a bit nervous as if I wasn't the same man she had slept beside before, been in his arms and kissed uncountable times. Almost like I was back to being only a stranger to her.

God, I am just finding it really hard to adjust to this Natalie.

My jaw worked and my eyebrow raised as I looked down at the cat, "Well, where else would she be," I mumbled, a bit of annoyance flared in my tone, and that had Natalie's lips slightly twitch but the second she realized that, she masked it away.

Her throat bobbed before her eyes flickered around, fishing for a conversation to cover her nervousness, "Is Ronald here?"

I shook my head, "No, he went out."

Lines etched between her eyebrows, "Where to?"

My eyebrow raised, "Is he my wife? Should I know all of his whereabouts?" It's enough that I am letting him stay here for her sake. Let's not stretch it.

She pressed her lips into a thin line and shook her head. She shifted on her feet after, rubbing a hand over her arm, her eyes going around, probably wanting to escape back into the room but just doesn't know how.

"Sit down," I grumbled out, because she can't just unbear my presence all of a sudden. Her eyes fell on mine, taken aback by my tone and I corrected my words, clearing my throat as I added, "I mean, are you gonna keep standing?" I suggested, "Just sit down."

When she didn't move, I added, "I can leave if you want-" My jaw ticked; apparently, I am not even welcomed in my own house anymore.

Her eyes slightly grew wide and she shook her head, "No, uh," She edged closer and sat on the same couch as mine, just at the very far end. The stupid cat stirred at the movement, she raised her head up and looked around. Finding nothing interesting, she snuggled closer to me again and went back to sleep.

I ignored her and focused on my delicate girl, who looked one step away from breaking down again. Her tired eyes, the ones that I am sure cried some more, they tugged at my chest, "You couldn't sleep?" I asked, my tone turning a bit softer, wanting her to talk to me, needing to hear her voice. I just wanted my full-of-life Natalie back; where did she suddenly disappear into?

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