Chapter 10 - I won't be selfish again

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"Until the lion learns how to write, every story will glorify the hunter."


Natalie's POV

"Why didn't you go with them?" I asked Alex, as I took a sip of my coffee, desperately needing the caffeine to understand their messed up family tree.

He shrugged, "I do my thing, and they do...their thing."

Just like Nikolas said, Alex isn't part of their thing. Now, I came to understand why, they don't share the same father, but still, their fathers are brothers, doesn't that also make them both part of the same mafia. I really don't understand this.


Hold on.

Their fathers are brothers; the uncle Nikolas told me about. That uncle is Alex's father, isn't it?

"Hold on," I slammed my cup down, harsher than I intended, "Your father...he is the uncle, he is the one who hurt Nikolas, isn't he?"

Alex's eyebrows pulled closer, "He told you about that?" He asked, "Wow, I am impressed."

At the moment, I didn't know if I should like Alex, it is his father, after all, he is the one responsible for half the scars over Nikolas's body. I still can't believe it, who the hell would do that to his own nephew? Unbelievable.

What type of parents are these people?!

"Oh, don't give me that look," Alex said, raising his hand up in surrender, "No way do I support what my father did," His eyebrow raised, "I hate the man more than Nikolas does, believe me."

I swallowed down, trying to calm down my spiked-up nerves, "What about him, is he still...alive?"

Alex shook his head, "No," He cast his gaze down and played with the cup's edge as he added, "He definitely got what he deserved."

I found this as my chance to get out of him information that Nikolas would never give me, "What about your mother, is she alive?"

Alex's eyes shot up to me, the muscles of his jaw tightened and he nodded, "Unfortunately."

I don't want to judge the mother, and I am still not aware of the details, but getting in between two brothers, seriously?

"Where is she then?" I asked.

"With Nikolas's father, where else," He answered, monotonously.

Also, she is still with the man who abused her and is hell-bent on hurting his own kid. Yeah, I keep losing respect for her by the second.

"I am sorry but I feel like I hate your whole family," I mumbled, frustrated at the newly-gained information.

Alex smiled, "Join the club, then," He pulled into a deep breath, "You won't hate them more than we already do."

I rested my arms over the table and pulled into a deep calming breath. I had great parents, the best even, but death took one from me and sickness took the other. I don't understand how these bad things happen to good people when it could just take out the bad ones, those like Nikolas's father or mother.

It's not fair. Not at all.

"Anyway, smart move you got there, prying information out of me, huh?" Alex commented, his tone taking a playful turn, lightening up the mood.

I looked up at him guiltily before I innocently shrugged, "Nikolas gives me nothing, I had to."

He shook his head, "Nikolas is not used to talk about things, he wouldn't even tell me if I asked," His eyebrow raised, "But I feel that somehow you're making your way inside his mind," He gave me a wink, "And hopefully inside something else."

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