Chapter 36 - You've got us

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[Not to be confused, the paragraphs in italic are flashbacks]

" I'm frozen by the amount of darkness a smile can hold. "


Nikolas's POV

"Mom?" I whispered as I pressed my palms over the bed and tried to climb up. The room was mostly dark, something I hated, but at least, the curtains of the window were drawn open, allowing the moon to cast its soft light around us, whisking that fear away.

She immediately stirred, startled by my sudden presence, her eyes growing wide as they fell on me. Her upper body edged forward, moving from the center of the bed to the edge, wrapping her arms around me, helping me up and to her side, "What's wrong?" She started to shower me with questions, her hands holding my face, "Are you okay?" She added, smoothing my hair away from my forehead.

I nodded, my eyes on her face only, "Didn't I tell you to lock your room and stay inside?" She said, worry tightening her brows and swirling in her eyes, her tone more concerned than scolding.

I nodded, "I wanted to see if you're okay," I whispered.

Lines etched between her eyebrows, and her lips twitched into a very somber smile. Her hand rested over my cheek and gently caressed it, "Oh my sweet boy, I am okay."

But no, she wasn't.

She thinks I am young and I don't understand. But, I do.

I heard his voice all the way from my room. Earlier, she had tried to take me...take us and go away, I know he didn't like that. I know that he won't be so...gentle about this fact.

I brought my hand up, I let my fingers rest on the side of her cheek, the area right below her eye, where I could see the bruise forming, big and red. Not the first bruise I see, nor the last. I brushed my small fingers over it, ever so lightly, terrified to cause more damage. I blinked my eyes when it became so blurry and a few tears scrolled from them and down my face.

She took my hand in hers and she brought it to her lips, kissing it before her other hand wiped at my cheeks, "Baby, I am fine, I promise," She tried to assure me, "But I really need to take you back to your room," She said, her voice low, just like mine, both scared any raise in the volume will have him barge in through those doors, "You can't stay in here, I don't want him near you...not now, not when he is like...this," Terror enveloped her words, reflecting the state he is in due to this. He is probably very angry.

I shook my head, multiple times, "No, no, you sleep, and..." I said, "I will, I will watch over you."

My words were so serious, determined even but it only made her smile grow wider, amused and I shook my head again before she would deny, "I am not small, mom, I am strong and I can protect you," I wish she would just believe me.

She nodded, her smile persistent as her eyes caressed my face with so much adoration and tenderness, "I know, you are strong but you are still so small," She said and my eyebrows pulled closer in anger, she keeps saying that, I hate it, "Don't glare at me," She said with a low chuckle as she playfully inched her head and bumped her forehead with mine.

"For now, you are still my little king, it's my job to protect you," She added, "But when you grow up and become a very big king, you will protect me then, deal?"

My head tilted to the side, "A big king?" I asked and she nodded, her hand playing with the strands of my hair on the side, "Yeah, like your grandpa, he was a big great king, he never hurt those who shouldn't be hurt, but he ruined anyone who tried to hurt the people he loves."

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