Chapter 19 - Everything you touch, dies

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"I clung to your hands so that something human might exist in the chaos."


Nikolas's POV

The sound of the bomb exploding was like a shock that rocked all through my body. The silence was gone and replaced with the aftermath of the attack. Everything happened in a blur. My feet acted on their own accord, and I was running toward the house.

My heart raced wildly in my chest and the second I barged in, Roman was clearing everyone else's way out. My eyes took a quick scan, they drifted from Cara to Lilly, who was tightly held in her mother's arms and my heart sank down, "Where is Alex?" I asked Cara, my voice barely audible under the pressure the explosion left.

She blinked in shock, the fact that I am here didn't seem like something she was aware of. Her gaze drifted behind her, for a mere second, checking, as her hand pressed over the back of Lilly's head, "He is getting...Max," She mumbled, the amount of fear in her eyes and voice pushed me inside after I ordered Roman to take them to a safer place.

My feet slightly faltered to a stop as I tried to focus my vision through the smoke. I glimpsed a sight of someone heading down the stairs. Sensing that it's Alex, I picked up the pace and met him halfway, my gaze first falling on the little boy crying loudly, his face buried against his chest.

"He's fine," Alex said before I could even ask, his tone proving that he couldn't grasp the thought either.

His arms tightened over the kid the slightest, his palm cradling the back of his head and trying to calm him down, "Emma was behind me," He looked back, unable to focus his sight either, "Where did she go?"

With my hand over his arm, I urged him to walk away, "Get him out of here, I will take care of the rest," I said in a hurry before I walked past him and made my way up the stairs. My fingers wrapped tighter over the gun's grip as I took careful calculated steps down the hallway. My feet hit something and my gaze flickered down to the ground, to see a man's lifeless body laying there.

An uncomfortable feeling crept up my chest and I took one step closer. The smoke was clearing out, and the first thing my eyes registered, just a few feet away from the man's body, was Emma, over the ground, and unconscious.

My eyes grew wide, my dark assumptions proven right as I rushed to her side, "Emma," I shot out in utter shock and my eyes quickly searched for her wound. My gaze went to her stomach, where blood seeped out uncontrollably. I immediately took my jacket off, and pressed it over the wound, to stop the liquid from draining out.

I wasn't the least aware of what I was feeling at the moment. In a haze, I moved, the sight beheld in front of me didn't make any sense. Emma was the last person I'd expected to get hurt. No one can outsmart her, not when it comes to this, "Emma," I mumbled again, the worry creeping my chest and filling me up with a coldness I can never get used to.

My hand moved checking her pulse and her body twitched, half here with me, and half slipping away. My arm went behind her back, trying to hold her in my arms and get her the hell out of here, but my movements had a raw whimper of pain escape her mouth and I paused right away, knowing that I was causing more damage by moving her around.

Her eyelids glided halfway open but fell down immediately, unable to stay conscious, "Hey, hey, you gonna be okay," I promised breathlessly as I pulled my phone out, dialing an ambulance, all while my hand kept pressing over the wound, trying to stop the bleeding as much as I can.

Her lips moved, she said something but I didn't hear it. Her hand weakly moved, trying to kick herself back in but she couldn't. Finishing the call, I shoved the phone away and my eyes fell into her face; it was so pale, drained and I still couldn't understand any of this; why her?

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