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The time passed as quickly as the news of the arrival of thwt festival. A whole week was gone and all the decorations, preparations were almost done –in the main area of the village which was knows as the center.

San and Yeosang wholeheartedly participated and helped because first, they didn't really have jobs to go to, and secondly, it was their first time getting to experience this.

"No, the festival can't take place tomorrow evening." A group of ladies argued with men.

"Miss, try to understand. It is very likely that tonight will be a Bell Night and so, it's convenient for the festival to take place tomorrow." A man very calmly explained but the old lady was not buying it.

"Festival had taken place every first Sunday of April, and it's been happening since years. Tomorrow is Friday–"

"Can you not see the difference between the frequency of Bell Nights?" The woman went silent while everyone around them agreed with the man. Coincidentally, Sieon and Chaeyoung were close enough to clearly hear everything. The man glanced at everyone, "No one has any problem so please, let it go with the flow. You all should be thankful it is even taking place in this situation."

The women only wanted extra time for extra preparations but nonetheless, the festival was going to be the best day and no one could wait for it.


Sieon felt like the most fresh person ever that day. All her work was done, the baking stress was no more and getting to do something out of routine had always been amazing.

Chaeyoung helped her with her hair and braided it prettily with twists. Her dress was a bit different than usual and one could practically see her glow.

Reaching the main area, she felt a nostalgic feeling arriving at the festival. There were so many people... Over the past years, the population of the village had increased making it no less than a small city.

Everything was so colorful, pretty and just, astonishing. The multicolored ribbons hanging from trees and hugging the stalls was alluring and lanterns added additional beauty. A few people from city also visited village for the festival, especially those who were once a part of it. Sieon wished her family was there too.

"Mom!" Chaeyoung ran towards her mother without realizing that she was still holding Sieon's hand.

After greeting her, Sieon decided to leave the mother-daughter duo alone, to spent some time, and she knew where she had to go.
"People are so excited." She commented gaining Dahyun's attention who was standing at Nayeon's shop stall. "Already selling a lot huh?"

"This is nothing. There will be more rush later." Dahyun replied.

Sieon explored a bit more before stopping at the twin Shin sisters' stall.

"Sieon darling, help us." She didn't have a reason to deny her elders and started to help them in the sale and decor.

"You made that?"

She turned at the familiar sound and smiled. "Yes."

He gave her the required money and took two biscuits from her, "Cute!"

Sieon laughed, "Thanks, Jongho."

"You're talented!"

"I already know that, San."

The boy smiled at her confidence, "You look pretty."

Instead of saying ‘I know’ again, she thanked him, "Don't you want anything?"

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