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The first step.

Sieon's skin didn't prickle. Grass had never felt like that. It was strange yet so...relieving. She took a risk.

The second step.

Every step that followed seemed like it's igniting something within her, a desire, a reason to smile, a reason to go forward and see everything that lies ahead of her.

Her gaze shifted to the sky, her eyes didn't squint at the sight. It was vibrant and scattered with splotches of white all over.
It was like her, her dress is white, it flowed as she took another step.

Third step.

Her breath ceased. She followed the end of the line, it seemed impossible to touch, but not impossible to reach. She wanted to reach the sky, like a bird. Like those that are acting as her guides.

She smiled. She could do this.

And so she ran, her white dress following her like a cloud as she sprinted, breath unaltered and easy. The grass only felt like a smooth road, but she didn't notice the flowers blooming after each step and each laugh that tumbled past her lips.

The sky was still so far but felt so close.
Her speed was on a gradual increase, picking up, unwavering and powerful.

She shouted.

She had never felt this happy under the open sky. They were always so foreign to her but the ground and sky now felt like her own.

She stopped and panted, a breathless laugh following after and she dropped on the green quilt and laid there. She had never felt so content.

Once she catched her breathe, she looked around, observing her surrounding and taking in all of it.

Her eyes then landed on another white figure. It was a person. A man…

She squinted her eyes to take a better look at the person but his face was ..blur. He was coming closer, but his face remained blur, unrecognizable.

Sieon sat up with the support of her arms, "San..?"


"San, wake up,"
She looked at the boy sleeping on the floor beside her mattress and shook him, "San."

He yawned and turned around, his back now facing Sieon.

She sighed, "Wake up before someone sees you!"

He opened his eyes, squinting them, and looked around. His eyes widened and he looked back at Sieon.

"Finally," she said and got up.

"Uh, what time is it?" He asked, sitting up, and ruffled his hair.

"The sun is about to rise," she looked at him, "You should leave before, someone sees you."
In usual case, Sieon would be sounding panicked, or even distressed, but currently, she was calm and gentle.

"You're right," He immediately stood up, "I'll get going."

"Be careful," Sieon said and he looked behind a little confused. She firmed her voice, "I mean- make sure no one sees you."

He nodded, "I know. Good bye."

San left and not long after, the bright sunlight was entering Sieon's house, lightening the place completely.
But Sieon was still sitting at the same place. On her mattress –where she sat right after San left.

She couldn't stop thinking about it.

It was true, that when you see a person in your dream, your feelings may change for them.

In The Arms Of Morpheus   ||   CHOI SANWhere stories live. Discover now