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That next morning after the night when the incident happened, Sieon didn't have guts to tell anything to Chaeyoung. Not because she was afraid of her scolding, she was trying to make herself believe that it was all just a dream –waking all the way to the West side of the village, going out of village, seeing a temple and that unknown man– was all just a nightmare.

But it was hard to convince herself too, as the fact that she could not ever sleep, bothered her and what about her shawl she had dropped while running? She was disturbed for the whole day and everything was a mess.

Even in her current state, Sieon was in a mess. And even the person holding her reminded her;

"You're in a mess, Sieon..." He whispered in her ear trying to keep it as low as possible and his grip tightened around her.

The voice was so familiar to her ears. Sieon tried to get out of his grip, trying her mighty best, hoping that man would let her go this time.

"Stay put." He hissed and slowly managed to walk towards her house with her still in his hold. The house which Sieon hadn't locked, was easy to open even with his hand secured around her, and they ended up in the cabin.

She could just shout for help right, and everyone would be there. But that was the problem, she couldn't let anyone know about this.

Sieon felt his grip loosened and she instantly sperated herself from him. She knew it was the same guy from the previous night but she wasn't sure who it was. His hood was covering most of his face and made it hard for her to recognize.

"You jerk! How dare you–" she was cut off when the same man quickly, in a swift motion barged towards her and placed his one hand behind her head and other on her mouth, again, shushing her. But this time Sieon didn't stay silent. She thrashed in his grip but he was quick to respond and pushed her against a wall while groaning at her tries.

"Shut up!" He said sternly and his tone was very angry. Sieon felt tears prick her eyes out of fear and she sniffed once.

The man noticed that and she felt his grip loosen a bit, just a bit and then she heard it. Sound of someone's footsteps. They were really audible probably because he was wearing heavy boots which was rare for anyone to wear in the village, then, it was gone.

The man slowly let go of Sieon and stepped back and she exhaled all the air she had been holding back. She was still shaking due to the shock.

"Get out–" she managed to say but the other person cut her off.

"I'm not a bad person, Sieon." She heard him well and clear. He spoke in his regular tone and he wasn't hissing or groaning.

That person... before she could ask him to reveal himself, his hands went over his head and he pushed his hood down.

Sieon couldn't quite see who it was in the dark but she already knew and once confirmed, she gasped, "San..."

It was still dark in the cabin but Sieon was glad she wasn't alone, even if the atmosphere was really awkward.

"How long have you been spying on me?" San broke the silence and Sieon's head snapped in his direction. What did he mean by spying?

They both were sitting on the wooden surface and for a while, they both were silent. They had tons of questions to ask to each other but the atmosphere wasn't letting them. Gladly, San wasn't that timid. He was waiting for Sieon to ask something because of the circumstances but she was quite, oddly.

"What do you mean, spying?!–" Sieon sighed and lowered her volume. "Why do you even think that I would be spying on you?"

"Don't act oblivious. I've seen you follow me around at night."

"Oh ssush!" Sieon rolled her eyes, "It's a coincidence that whenever I'm out, you're there too." And then she stops and looks at him in disbelief. "If you knew I was 'following' you, then why did you never ask me about it?"

San chuckled, "That's because I wasn't sure. I was in a doubt, which today, was confirmed."

"Today... Or yesterday–?" Sieon stopped when she what's a faint sound of the familiar bell.

Bell? Again? Sieon furrowed her eyebrows and rubbed her ears when San held her wrist and looked at her, "Can you hear it too?"

The sound came nearer and nearer and once it faded again, Sieon instinctively stood up and walked towards her door.

"When are you going? And what it happening?" San asked, still holding her hand.

"We...need to be out."

As they both stepped out realizing that the time was almost close to dawn and in their surrounding they could hear more people walking and everyone stepped out of their cabins.

They started to walk in one direction and Sieon knew where. She gently pushed her hand out of San's grip and she looked at him, "Just, follow me."

He couldn't read the expression on her face. San walked behind her until they stopped at a place where everyone was crowded in a circle. He spotted Yeosang and passed a confused look to him.

Once everyone was gathered, an older man came in between and spoke loud and clear for everyone to hear, "Who is that unfortunate family who had lost a member?"

By then everyone had stopped talking among themselves and then, it was heard. A mournful cry outstretched in the area, entering villagers' ears and they all turned to look at the person.

"Dohee aunty..." Sieon muttered, audible enough for San to hear who was standing besides her.

"Who is she? Sieon-, what is happening?"

Sieon turned to look at San and his eyes narrowed at the sight of her tears.

"My Daehyung!" The woman sobbedand San snapped his head towards her.

He silently observed the situation, taking in the way all the ladies rush to that woman named Dohee as she dropped on her knees and almost all the women and children were crying. Why?
The men had their heads hung down and the atmosphere screamed grieve. He didn't know what to do anymore.

"Why?! Why did it happen? Why me?!" Dohee had seemed to lost all her senses at that moment and Sieon cried harder at the sight.

Something which had never happened in years had happened again and for some reason, Sieon felt guilty.


Was it supposed to be her?

The whole village was weeping for the young, 15 year old boy and so did Sieon but she also felt guilty.

In The Arms Of Morpheus   ||   CHOI SANWhere stories live. Discover now