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Sieon was greeted by San when she opened her door. It was night time and fortunately, not a Bell Night.

"Can't believe you were looking for me," he said acting surprised, as he entered her house.

"Yeah, didn't get a chance to meet to so had to invite you instead," she closed the door, "Did anyone see you?"

"I'm sure no one did since I was careful enough," He sat down when Sieon nodded.
"Why is it that whenever we meet, you're always in a bad mood?" He pointed out the slight scowl on her face and the uninterested expression.

She shook her head, "I was pretty fine before the lunch."

"So, what happened? Was the lunch bad?"

Sieon scoffed, "If only food was the reason …Anyways, I don't want to talk about that."

San nodded, letting her know he was listening. The way he sat comfortably in her home made it feel like it was his place or somewhere, where he was used to.

"Did you tell anyone about it..?"

"About what?"

"What happened that night."

San nodded after he understood what she meant, "I didn't," he smiled, "Why? Are you afraid that I would make up things that didn't even happen?"

"Huh! As if," she looked away and back back at him, "I'm just hoping that you didn't say anything that would sound displeasing. Or to anyone who would spread misinformation."

San gasped, "Why would I do that?"

Sieon laughed, "Why not?"
She looked at her feet, "People here love to create misunderstandings even if someone's intentions are pure."

"I didn't tell anyone and I won't, don't worry. It's between us."


San smiled, his eyes turning into crescents, similar to the moon outside. He pulled out his pinky, "Promise."

Sieon laughed again, "You're so childish,"
Yet she proceeded to hook her finger with his.

"I actually thought you'd be angry at me," San spoke up after a while.

"Why would I?"

"Because that's how it had been," he smiled, slightly upset, "You'd been, kind of, mean to me. I mean you're pretty fine with Yeosang and even Wooyoung now, but…there's been misunderstandings between us I believe."

She looked at him and paused for a moment, "I'm not going to give explanations but it is true that you'd get on my nerves pretty quickly."

San chuckled.
He took a deep breath then, "When you started the conversation a while ago, I thought you'd express how you regret meeting me that night and letting me stay."

"I don't regret it," she confessed, "Because it felt good opening up to someone even if it was unintentional."

"I hope you know that I'm not a bad person Sieon," San looked at her, his eyes filled with sincerity, "You can talk to me of you feel like it, I'm not forcing you. Rather, I like it when I can be of help to anyone here."
He looked at his hands, "Yeosang has a job and Wooyoung will have one to, soon. But I don't have anything in specific. It is not because I haven't find anything of my interest, it's because I like to do anything anyone asks me to. I like being there for the villagers, and especially you, Sieon."

Sieon looked away when their eyes met and nodded after a second, "Thanks…"

San smiled and stood up, "If you allow me now, I'll take my leave."

"Sure," she smiled, "Not like I was planning to keep you here forever."

"Wish you did."

"Shut up," she laughed and bid him farewell before closing the door.
She stood against it and took a deep breathe, "What was this?"
She questioned and shook her head in denial.


"What? No, no, no, it's impossible!"

"Calm down Chaeyoung,"

"How can I calm down, Sieon," Chaeyoung groaned and looked at the other woman in her house, "How can you do this to me, mom?"

"What do you mean 'how'? You're at an age where you should be married with kids. Why are you raising your voice at your mother?!"

Sieon held Chaeyoung by her shoulders, "Take a deep breath, Chae, at least listen to aunty with a cool mind."

"Sieon's right, you didn't even listen to me," Chaeyoung's mother scolded her.

Apparently the middle aged woman had agreed to her daughter's marriage proposal and when she came to reveal it to her, the reaction was not what she had expected,
"I don't want to hear anything more, I will not get married."

"Oh my! How can you even say this?" Her mother sighed, "Some day or another, you'll have to get married, Chaeyoung."

"But why did you have to agree without asking me?"

"Because there's no reason to keep them waiting. He's the perfect man for you!" she reasoned

"And how do you know that?"

Her mother exhaled sharply and looked at Sieon, "At least you explain to her," she then sat down on the sofa, giving up.

"Chae, you should at least ask her who the man is, what he does," Sieon said, a little hesitant to interfere, moving closer to her friend.

"Who is 'he' anyways?" She inquired her mother, looking at Sieon as if she was doing it for her sake.

"You know miss Lim who works with me, it's her grandson, Jihoon."

Chaeyoung groaned again, "Mom, I don't even know who this Jihoon is, why are you making me marry him?!"

"Did I tell you marry him today?!" Her mother got on her feet again, "You can get to know him. It's not like you have a boy in your mind or heart… Or do you?!"
She looked at both Chaeyoung and Sieon but the latter shook her head and looked at her friend curiously.

"Why are you both looking at me like this?" Chaeyoung asked,
"Sieon, you know there's nothing like that. I'm not even interested in getting married."

"Well, enough of this now…" she made her way towards the exit of Chaeyoung's– her house, "My dear daughter, I didn't come here to ask you, I came here to tell you about a decision that I made," Her mother picked up her pouch and placed some money on the table, "Buy some shaved-ice with it, and think about this with a cool mind."

"Goodbye, aunty," Sieon bowed.

Her mother placed a hand over her shoulder, "Sieon dear, try to convince Chaeyoung, okay. I'll visit again in a few days."

And with that Sieon was left with another responsibility, which was to convince her only friend –who did not want to get married, to agree to her marriage.

a/n: Guys,,,we have 10k reads!
Thanks a lot
I was waiting for this since I last posted <3 

Btw, I'm going to clear something here, San is 24 and Sieon is like, 3 years younger than him. I first wrote that San was 22 but that was before hiatus (I'll change that whenever I edit the book). And Chaeyoung is 25-26 kinda, :D
Okay BYE!

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