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Sieon was standing with her back against a small tree, patiently waiting for him.
It was probably 7 at night and she knew it wouldn't be the Bell Night -because it was the previous day, so she didn't care much either.

There weren't allot of people outside. Usually villagers were used to packing there stuff at 8 to 9, calling it a day but the current day, it seemed like it was already 11 as the place was painfully silent and dark.

There were still a few people outside passing by, and not long after, Sieon spotted San. But, he wasn't alone. He was taking to some other man and Sieon didn't think it was appropriate for her to disturb him while at it.

For a second, their eyes met but both of them looked away. Not wanting to feel more awkward, Sieon sighed, turning to leave.

After a few steps she felt a hand on her shoulder and San started to walk besides her.
"Hello." He said in a slow tone but still showed off his charming smile.


"What were you doing here? In the East." He asked and Sieon suddenly stopped to look at him.
"I don't think I need to tell you that." She was right, though. The way San had suddenly appeared besides her even though he was busy, she knew he was aware why she was there for; to meet him.

"I know." He nodded his head and looked at her too, "So, what is it?"

"What happened yesterday? To Dohyun, do you know anything?" Sieon asked and she didn't care that they both were outside. There was no one around them and it was better than taking him to her cabin or going to his.

"Why are you asking me this? Do you really think I know anything?" He frowned.

"I'm not blaming you. I just want to know if you know anything because," she glanced around and lowered her volume. "Because last night we both were out. And I'm just asking if you may have seen him or anything-"

"No." Sieon was taken aback by his straightforwardness. "I don't know anything. I wasn't out long before I met you."

"Oh, okay. But, are you sure-"

"You think I'm lying to you, Sieon?" She wanted to reply no but he spoke again, "I don't know anything about it. I didn't even know what had happened until later at night people informed me."

"This is not what I mean-"

"But this is what you are implying." He sighed and his expression got back to normal. He was trying not to be indignant but he couldn't believe she would blame him. "There are a lot of things we may need to talk about but it's better if we forget about it. About yesterday. And before."

Sieon didn't want to leave yet. She wanted to clear things but she didn't know what to say anymore. He was right, but she didn't agree to that. Before she could think of protesting, San took his leave after muttering a small 'Goodnight' and left Sieon alone.



"You did what?" Yeosang asked San, not impressed by his absurdity.

"I know. I didn't like the fact that she blamed me." He furrowed his eyebrows and waggled his feet in childlike behavior.

"You idiot, you yourself told me that you want to get closer to her for a purpose," Yeosang bent down to San's eye level, "How will you do that with this silliness of yours?"

"Oh, come on. Now I didn't do anything that erroneous." San looked at him and shook his head. "She's someone who'd probably say, 'sorry, I didn't mean it like that', to me."

"Whatever, just don't ask me to do any favor for you later."

San clicked his tongue, "Why do you always think that I'll ask you for a favor in everything?"

"I'm not the only one, even Woo agrees with me."



"Why can't you let your hair grow long for once?" Sieon asked her friend as she, not-so-professionally trimmed her hair.

Chaeyoung was at Sieon's cabin, currently getting a haircut because she was tired of her locks disturbing her when she worked and wasn't really into the idea of tying them up.

"You know how uncomfortable i find it." Chaeyoung turned to look at her, "Sometimes just looking at you sweat like that makes me want to chop of your hair too."

Sieon rolled her eyes, "I don't mind having long hair. I love it if you ask me." Sieon turned Chaeyoung's head back to the mirror, "Now sit straight, just a bit more to go."

Snip snap, snip snap...and within a few minutes, Chaeyoung had her perfect, lovely bob cut.

"You know, you're so good at this, you should start working as a part-time hair dresser." Chaeyoung chimed as she looked at herself and grinned.

"Really, Chae? After all the work you give me, I don't think so." Sieon shrugged and turned back to keep the scissors in the box. "And ironically, today you've brought tons of more clothes to me so I can deliver them tomorrow."

"You're making me sound bad."

"I wonder why you never asked aunty to let you hair this short?"

"You know she used to force me to keep my hair long, so that “the guys here could like me”." Chaeyoung imitated her mother's words. "I kind of miss her, though."

"You do know Chae that you mom is in the village..?" Chaeyoung's mom was a widow and worked with the old widowed ladies in the far South side of the village. That side was usually full of women, especially widowed but they were still allowed to go anywhere and do anything. Chaeyoung's mother was also lived there peacefully knowing that the shop was secure with Sieon and her daughter.

"So what if she's here? She rarely visits me!" Chaeyoung complained and moved to sit, carefully on Sieon's mother's rocking chair. "Whatever... so, are you not gonna offer me to stay for dinner?"

Sieon looked at her friend in an offended gaze and shook her head, "Do you really think we're at that point in our relationship, where I have to ask you if you want to stay for dinner or not?"

Chaeyoung started laughing and shook her head, "I just wanted to ask what have you cooked?"

"You're annoying, Chae. You know that?"

"Of course!"

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