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"What was he even up to?" Sieon asked to no one in particular as she was walking her way to the shop.

It was morning, the sun was high up in the sky. "When will this summer go?" She wiped a bead of sweat on her forehead.

Previous night, once again, she saw San, but it seemed like as if he was looking for something. She wasn't sure if San had seen her or not because at one point, they both were almost face to face. Almost, but Sieon was quick to hide behind a wall.

She had been thinking about it a lot. She had seen San so many times now, especially at Bell Nights, that she couldn't believe he hadn't seen her.

She couldn't tell it to Chaeyoung either. It's wasn't that she didn't want to, but she knew that her friend wouldn't believe her and she would be more concerned over why Sieon had gotten out of her cabin. It was better if she kept quite about it for a while.

"Here," Sieon said as she passed the tea cup to Dahyun. Chaeyoung's friends had suddenly showed up at the shop while they both were working.
Due to them being friends with Chaeyoung, they all were frank with Sieon as well, but not too close.

"A lot of villagers are assuming that Lady Joo is expecting. But it's not confirmed as she barely ever comes out of her cabin and her husband haven't revealed a lot either." Yeri said as the conversation had automatically diverted from a simple 'low quality hair clip' to this.

"From what I know, she wasn't really happy with her marriage, right?" Yeji asked in her same firm voice.

"It's weird how she usually stays in and rarely comes out. I mean, it's fine you like to keep your privacy and all but interaction is also necessary." Chaeyoung said and Sieon internally rolled her eyes.

Why does it even matter? Sieon thought, What's even wrong with not wanting to have a lot of interaction? What is it to anyone if the couple is expecting? Good for them.
Unanswered questions...

But the question which bothered her was, ' If someone wants to keep privacy, or if they aren't comfortable enough to talk about something, then why is it even an issue? Someone is happy or not, unless it has something to do with you, how can you so shamelessly judge them? '
Sieon may not have asked the previous questions but she wanted to ask these. Mainly because she, herself was like this. Neither pregnant, nor in a so-called unhappy marriage, but she was also the lonely, introvert girl who only accepted stepping out if her house for groceries or work. That's also because she lived alone.

Living alone was the only reason why Sieon wasn't like that in the first place. If she had remained the same, she wouldn't have survived a month.

She had to interact with everyone for a lot of necessities but if someone else doesn't want to, what did it have to do with the villagers?

After a while of chatting and gossiping -which Sieon wasn't interested in, she started to fell numb due to sitting in the same place for a while.

"I feel thirsty." Ryujin suddenly said out if the blue.

Thinking of this as a chance Sieon stood up, "I'll get you some water, wait."

Sieon went inside Chaeyoung's cabin and towards the water pot. She filled two glasses of water instead and was about to return when she heard someone speak, "How are you, Sieon?"

She turned to look at Yeji and frowned. They had already greeted each other and asked the same question, but this question had an odd feeling. "I'm fine... What happened?"

"Nothing." She moved towards to stand in front of her, "Do you really don't know why I'm here, taking to you?"

"Come on, Yeji. Don't beat about the bush." Sieon had have enough of her suspecting gaze and twisted words.

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