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"Hey, it took you longer than usual."

San nodded at his friend's statement and looked at him. The sun was glowing high in the sky, entering their cabin through the window and reflected on San's face. He was thankful that their house was cooler than outside.

"Nothing. I just got caught in something." He slowly stripped out of his hood and brought a crumbled price of cloth out if it. "Besides, I've got a new mission to complete."

Yeosang looked at him confused as San dropped the shawl on the small table and slightly smirked.


"You aren't changing?" Yeosang asked.

"Nah. Will do afterwards." He looked back at Yeosang and hugged his bolster pillow tighter. "Besides, I have found a new work to do now."

It was when San had went to get Yeosang's clothes from ‘Dream Dresser’ –the shop, and heard Sieon and Chaeyoung taking about someone in particular and he knew who that someone was. It was him.

San reminded Yeosang about what they had talked about not too long ago. That night San fell asleep early as he had to leave the cabin mid-night, and then Yeosang was left confused but not too bothered. But in the current time, he was getting answers of his questions.

"That was Sieon? The girl you saw at night?"

San nodded as an answer and took a spoonful of rice. "She knows allot about it. I can't believe she came all the way there."

Yeosang gulped his food and shook his head, "But what will you do now?"

"Not sure. But I do need to do something before it gets out of hands." San pushed his empty bowl aside and pressed his back against the wall he was sitting by.

"I can not believe she has this much courage. I expected women here to be typical." Yeosang commented and stared at nothing in particular.

"She is not typical."

"Will you need me?"

"Nah, don't worry about it. I've got this." San stood up and brushed his clothes. "You focus on that."

"Where are you going now?" Yeosang's stopped San just before he was about to leave the cabin.

"I am craving apples."

San sat alone on the wooden surface, the evening breeze blowing his hair, disturbing him as he ate his third apple, one still remaining in his pocket.

The place where he sat was an area with grass covering the surface and trees grown in every corner. To make the place more comfortable for the villagers, the land had been provided with swigs on a few thick tree branches and narrow benches here and there.

San heaved a sigh and ran a hand through his black locks, pushing them back. He definitely needed a hair cut.

Though, he enjoyed how he was currently. Everything was different then before.

He really didn't have a lot to do but his mind kept moving back to one specific person; Sieon. She was really something else.


It was San's first day in the village when he had felt someone else's presence besides his that night. Thinking nothing of it, he ignored the feeling.

The next few Bell Nights he had seen someone again but how could he not know who it was. Coincidentally the girl he had been engaging with more than expected, was the one he had seen at Bell Nights and he had no doubt in it.

The problem was, how would he approach her?

The few times when San had actually had a proper conversation with her, she wasn't how he had expected her to be. There was so much more to her.

Getting to know someone in the village wasn't hard at all. The people were nice, amiable and welcoming. When he found out more about her, he tried not to seem too interested.

The few things he got to know about Sieon were; she was an orphan, an active and polite girl, had a strong personality and oh well...she loved to flirt with boys.

San couldn't say if any of these claims were right or wrong as he knew almost nothing about Sieon. But after their meetings, he wasn't even sure if she was emotionally strong or someone who ‘loved to flirt’.


Sieon sighed at the familiar sound of the bell yet didn't bother to increase her speed as she walked back from the shop to her house.

She felt the rush in the air but now, even the villagers were so used to the bell that they closed their shops and finished their works even if the it wasn't the Bell Night. But still the ones left were quickly heading back to their cabins.

I shouldn't have taken this way. Sieon groaned as she got pushed, third time on her way.

She was soon inside her cabin already changed and ready to sleep but she couldn't. The moonlight was barely entering her cabin and was absolutely no help to her nyctophobia.

As much as she tried to calm herself, her breathing just got more shallow and she stared to sweat.

Once again, feeling defeated and helpless, Sieon picked up another shawl, wrapping it around her and got out of her cabin.

She, herself wasn't sure how she was still so fine after what had happened. But it wasn't that she was visiting that place, again.

After a few steps here and there, wandering in the area, Sieon heard a shuffling sound. It was coming from afar and somewhere in the blended noise of the winds, the tree-leaves, the clothes hung in the virtue of drying and cricket noises, she could hear the shuffling noise.

Her sense of hearing was probably great because as she turned to get a look, in a nano second she could see an arrow flying towards her and her feet loosing their energy to run. She tightly closed their eyes getting ready for the impact.

Instead, after a minute when she opened her eyes, she found herself facing a side she wasn't facing before. She was tightly being grabbed by someone and her mouth was zipped shut by a hand.

"You're into a mess, Sieon..."

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