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San sat on the mattress Sieon had placed for herself before he showed up. She sat adjacent to him with her back pressed against the wall.

The cricket noises suddenly sounded very interesting to Sieon and she continued to focus on that instead of the quite boy sitting with her.

She asked nothing but wondered why he was still silent.
Was he waiting for her to start?

But fortunately he did anyways, "Sieon, you always ask me what I was doing that night, right?"

Sieon looked at him and nodded, "It's not as complicated as I made it sound. You know I'm new here and it's not unusual for me or even Yeosang to be curious about anything..."

He was giving the same answer she had expected from him.

"I don't know why you always ask me this question? Probably because you think I have something to do with Dohyun's disappearance-"

"No," Sieon interrupted, "No, that's not what I want to imply and I made it clear that day as well."

San revived the unfortunate day when he got angry on Sieon. He sighed, "Then, when I ask you about that day, why do you always turn the question against me?"

"Probably because, I don't have an answer," Sieon stared at her lap.

"Um, there must be a reason why you were out, right?"

She glanced at him and back at her lap, "You'll find it ridiculous too."
Her voice was lower than before but he still heard it.

"I'm not forcing you, I just want to know," he looked ahead, finding peace for some reason, "I'll understand, believe me."

His reaction wouldn't be any different from what I had faced before.
Sieon assured herself

"I can never sleep." Sieon revealed but didn't look up to see his reaction, "I cannot sleep, ever. I'm scared of darkness too. During Bell Nights it hard for me to stay in, so, I usual sneak out for no reason but, I do try my best to stay in my limits."

Sieon looked up then and saw no change in San's expression. It was dark but her eyes had adjusted in the little ray of moonlight and she could see San clearly.

"You slept that day." San stated and Sieon's mind went back to the first night San spent at her cabin. He made her fall asleep.

"I-I don't know. That's not sleep, its a nap. A half an hour nap-"

"You were sleeping for like, three hours before I left."

Sieon felt embarrassed, not because of his reaction but because she couldn't make him believe herself. He saw her sleep.

"Just, I don't sleep. That day i was just waking around and we met-"

"What about the day before?" Sieon glared at him for cutting her off again but he ignored it, "The day I caught you near the end of village?"

He had asked her a dreadful question she wasn't even ready to answer. Her eyes flickered and her breathing got shallow.

She had no answer. Rather a story.

San's sharp eyes roamed over Sieon and observed her actions.

"Don't tell me you were there as well, because of curiosity." She tried to change the subject to him.

He nodded his head in the most casual way, "What else?"
Suddenly his eye became dark just like they did when he thought she was blaming him before, "Don't tell me you think I'm involved in this manifestation."

Sieon's head snapped at his direction, "No!"
Her voice came out louder than expected, "What- Why do you always take my statements in the wrong way?"

"You should've answered me then... If you were in my place you'd do the same."

San was right. Sieon realized her mistake and nodded.

It was first time someone was asking her questions. Usually anyone aware of it would scold her, so she didn't know what to say, how to explain. Or to even trust him.

"Look, San, what I did was a mistake, a senseless decision. I regret going there." His eyes turned soft at her tone and he listened carefully, "No one knows about this aside from you. I hope you keep it to yourself."

"You really made a big move."

"I know, and I shouldn't have. My curiosity took the best of me," she sighed, "...I trust you with my secret."

San nodded his head and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Now that I know about almost all the things about this place, don't leave at night. I'm not sure how many times you've gotten this warning but, that's really dangerous."

Sieon's tensed body relaxed into San's touch and she nodded, "I've gotten warned a lot of times before. I, myself am not sure how I'm able to do it again and again, but I've gotten a lesson and I will not repeat it."

A few minutes passed in silence and San became the first one to speak again, "It was a shock for me to see you out of your house, the very first day I came. Everyone told me to be careful but after looking at you, I wanted to explore too."

"Does that mean I inspired you?" Sieon chuckled.

San smiled, "Kind off. You proved villagers wrong in my eyes."

"Weird, how you followed me instead of what hundreds of people who warned you about."

San slowly nodded his head and yawned.

"Are you sleepy?" Sieon asked, "Here, sleep here."

"No, wait." San stopped Sieon from getting up by holding her hand. "You should sleep."

She gently removed his hand, "I told you, San, I don't sleep. Can't you see I'm not sleepy. You are."

Sieon removed herself from the matress and tiptoed to open the window for some fresh air -even though it wasn't allowed. "Here, sleep peacefully."

"What about you?"

She clicked her tongue, "I, am, not, sleepy. You'll be comfortable, have some rest."

For the first time in a while, San felt taken care of and didn't protest. He was actually sleepy and lacked rest so he seized the opportunity and got comfortable on the warm matress.

He was still a bit concerned for Sieon, "Are you sure-"

"San. Sleep."

It took less than two minutes for San to fall asleep.

He must be really tired.

In that situation, Sieon would've wondered why San was so tired as he did not work? Why he wanted to make things right between them? Why was he... different?

But currently she was busy staring at him. His perfect face, sharp jaw, pretty lips and captivating eyes -even if closed. He was indeed a sight to keep on looking at.

An alluring boy with a mysterious heart...

Guys,,, Thank you so
much for 1k reads!!
All of you who had read my story, voted and supported me, I love you <3

Lol, thanks again!

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