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"When Wooyoung is here, you're moving in with him!" San declared as he angrily sat on the floor of his cabin.

"What do you mean?!" Yeosang asked, agitated.

"You know what I mean." San looked around, "You're not paying any attention to our house."

"Shut up, moron!" Yeosang spat, "What have you ever done for this place? I'm the only one who took care of it, and what did you do..?"

"You know how much work Hongjoong hyung gives me..." San's voice changed from being defensive to sulky.

"That is correct..." Yeosang nodded and sat besides his friend, "But this doesn't change the fact that you did nothing for our cabin, and you're still a moron."

San wanted to give a remark too but ended up laughing.

"Did Sieon tell anything, yet?"

San fell silent and shook his head, "No. She's not so easy to talk to."

"What? But you're always talking you her." Yeosang chuckled in disbelief, "I don't think she's like that. Should I help?"

San shook his head again, "I know her enough to state, that's a bad idea. She'll instantly know something is up."

"We need to be quick..."

It was Sunday night, the festival ended before sunset. Sieon had came back an hour ago and finally –after washing up, she had a proper meal which, one of Mrs. Shin had packed for her.

The most awaited day had passed perfectly, with lots of enjoyment and work as well, but Sieon felt down due to the letter she had received in afternoon.

Her Aunt sent her a letter, reasoning her absence in the festival but it wasn't that Sieon was even expecting to see her.
For the past three years she was alone in the festival. She already had a letter prewritten for her aunt which she sent her.

The exchange of letters made her feel down because it reflected her loneliness in her small home.

Sure, she wasn't really ‘alone’ as she had friends and people who still cared for her, and it was her decision to not interact more than necessarily to others, but the love she craved was never satisfied by anyone.

This life wasn't her choice. She may have decided how to live, but living by herself was something she never wished for.
Being independent since 12 was something no one had ever seen or imagined a young girl to be.

A knock on her door broke her chain of thoughts. "San?"

"Hey, look what I have for you." He handed her a small pouch bag.

"What is th– Money!?" She whisper yelled and looked at San completely confused, holding the pouch was filled with coins.

"Yeah, Mrs. Shin gave it me on my way here. She said she forgot to give it before and there was no one outside right now."

Sieon indeed didn't receive the payment and felt awkward asking, so she quietly returned with her food. But the money she currently had in her grip was more than expected. And it was understandable that no one was seen walking here and there as everyone was resting in their houses even though it was just eight.

She eyes San suspiciously, "She trusted you?"

"Of course!"

"This is not right–"

"You were the only one who helped the sisters the most and she was thankful for it. She also stated that the sale was grate today..." He trailed off.

Sieon awkwardly closed the pouch and thanked the boy.

"Can I come in?" San asked hesitantly when he saw her reach out for her door to close it.

"Why– I mean, don't you need to rest? You've worked allot."

"I won't take long."

"Can't believe you actually came here for me." She stepped back indicating him to come inside.

"I just want to talk."

They sat in their usual spots and San observed her. "Nice, you're still wearing the clip I gave you."

Sieon touched the clip and nodded. Her hair was wet so she had let it free and as a habit of keeping her hair out if her face, she used the clip.

"What do you want to talk about?"

Her question was straightforward and so was his answer, "About that day."

He sighed when she asked which day, "The day, Dohyun left us."

Sieon knew he wanted to talk about it, "But why–"

"Forget what I said, I need to know why you were out that day."

The cabin fell tranquil. Candles flickered slightly by the chilly wind and Sieon stood up to shut it. "What were you doing?"

"I don't know why you're so into–"

"Why are you asking me?"

"I'll tell you but can you–"

"I went to have ice-cream."

San would've laughed at her sarcasm if the situation wasn't serious but, why the hell was she even being like that? He thought.
"Stop cutting me off." His voice was stern, "Why can't you answer me?!" He shouted, loud enough for only her to hear as she stood by the window.

"How dare you talk to me like this in my house?" She seemed indignant, "I am not answerable to you."

San had no intentions of being rude, but he was left with no choice than to be straightforward as his frustration got the best of him "Look I–"

"You, leave." She turned her face towards the window, her back to San.


"San leave! Please."

He didn't have to be told thrice and left without another word.

Sieon opened the window again, the feeling of suffocation needed to be out.
She took off the clip and threw it on the nearest cushion.

Why does he always sounds so desperate to know why I was out that night?
He is only confirming my doubts about him.
He is definitely related to that Bell thing...
San threw a wooden decoration which was hanging besides him, he was still frustrated.
Yeosang was out, unaware of his friend's situation.

San dropped down and ran a hand through his hair hoping that he'll calm down soon.
This is not going to work...

Half an hour passed when his eyes landed on the clock. He wore his hood and left his cabin, waking all the way to a mysterious place.

He would never do that in the normal night, but he knew no one will come out as they all were enough tired.

It took him a while to reach his destination. Dark and cold.

Someone called out to him, "San, here."

"I've told you, only to call me in during the Bell Night, Hongjoong hyung."

"Don't worry." The older male didn't seem to be concerned as a small smile played on his lips. "I just wanted to ask you one thing... Did you ask her yet?"

"Sieon? No."

"And why not?"

"I need time." San looked around then back at his hyung, "Did Yeonsang say something?"

"I asked him. You're no stranger to her, so how much more time do you need?" The smile was no more there and Hongjoong sounded serious, "You do realize she may know something?"

"I do, but I think she knows about me too." San turned to his left eyeing the big village from top, "She rarely answers my simplest questions without questioning back."

"You have to do it. So better sooner than later..or.."

In The Arms Of Morpheus   ||   CHOI SANWhere stories live. Discover now