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Sieon's first meeting with Wooyoung was better then she would have expected, considering the fact that he was a new villager.

And yes, unlike how he was introduced to her as a ‘guest’, he was a new comer. A friend of San and Yeosang, who was now living with them.

"You have met him, right? Wooyoung?" Chaeyoung asked Sieon.
Jiwon had visited them a while ago and talked about the ‘handsome’ new villager.

Apparently he was being talked about because of how quietly he came, but to Sieon, there was nothing to be impressed about. Because Wooyoung may be new in the village, but his friends were already living here. Unlike San and Yeosang who had no one here and had to start from scratch.

"Yes, on his first day here actually."

"Right! He was the one," she remembered the boy Sieon talked about, "So, is he really as handsome as Jiwon thinks?"

Sieon rolled her eyes, "You do realize, Chae, that Jiwon gets attracted to literally any average-looking guy in the village? All he has to do is smile at her."
Wooyoung's face reappeared in her mind and she hummed, "But yes, he is good-looking."

"Oh my God! Did Sieon just said that she found a boy good-looking?" Chaeyoung gasped, acting shocked.

Sieon rolled her eyes again and put her cup down, "I simply said what you wanted to hear."

"The fact that you remember his face even though you met him only once, confirms that he's good-looking."

"He's not bad when it comes to looks, but maybe he's not as polite as Yeosang, or hardworking as San."

She placed a hand at her chest, "Sieon, is that really you? You're talking good about San and Yeonsang, and their friend?!"

"Can you stop over reacting?" Sieon asked, unimpressed, "Stop chiming over a guy you haven't met and complete your work, Chaeyoung."

"Looks like your impression of Yeonsang and specially, San, has changed."

Sieon stopped in her tracks as she was going to sit on her chair, wanting to complete sewing a dress and go home. "Well, maybe they are not as suspicious as before. But I still find them questionable at times. And whereas Wooyoung is concerned, truthfully, I did find him quite intriguing."

"Wait so did you–"

"Chaeyoung, I just asked you not to over react."

Chaeyoung ignored her friend's comment and jumped happily placing a hand over her mouth, "I'm so happy that you like someone."

"I don't–"

"I really hope this works out for both of you," before Sieon could speak, Chaeyoung cut her off again, "Oh, and don't worry, I won't tell a single soul about it. Not even mom, I promise!"

Sieon sighed, giving up, because arguing with Chaeyoung was like trying to make a wall speak.
But she was more annoyed by Jiwon, who had nothing better to do. She would visit Chaeyoung to gossip about something and would always interrupt the pair when they would be sewing peacefully.


It was one of the lazy mornings for Sieon as she didn't feel like getting up or going anywhere. Still, instead of skipping work, she decided to go, but after collecting the batch of pink silk from the textile market.

She walked with slow steps and appreciated the sun rays, leaving a feeling of comfort in the cool wind.

"Hello, Sieon."

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